21 - Painkiller / Flatline 🔺

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"D-doctor!" Mia yelled.

"Wait Mia," Antonio spoke slowly. "They know I'm up."

    It would've been quite cliché if Antonio had awoken to Mia. Either way, Mia was happy to see him awake.

    "How are you feeling?" Mia asked.

    "Been better." Antonio's voice was groggy and hoarse. "They put me on painkillers so it's not as bad. I'm sure they didn't expect me to wake up this early either."

    "How's your head?" Antonio faces her only to be caught off guard by her emotions.

    "Don't worry about that." Mia teared up slightly. Her face was red and her eyes were glassy.

"So dramatic." Antonio teased her with haughtiness to his weak voice. Even though she merely on the verge of tears, Antonio had never seen her cry.

"Sorry." Mia chucked a bit. She was glad that Antonio still had a little humor in him.

Mia lifted Antonio's covers and climbed into the bed next to him.

"You're so warm." Antonio smiled as Mia gently wrapped her arms around him.

"You're really cold." Mia whispered.

    Out of the blue, the hospital bed shifted slightly all by itself, startling Mia. Antonio chuckled a bit, although his laughter physically pained him.

    "The bed just moves by itself?" Mia exclaimed.

    "The beds definitely weren't like this when I was little, so it's new. It adjusts to my position every so often." Antonio turned his head so that Mia's would be under his chin. "I guess it's adjusting to us."

    "When you were little?" Mia repeated his words. "Was a family member in the hospital when you were little?"

    "No," Antonio deliberated whether he should continue before saying, "I was."

    "Oh... I'm sorry" Mia was surprised. "May I ask why?"

    "I haven't opened up about it to anyone before." Antonio replied. He wanted to tell Mia, but he didn't want the bad memories to resurface and kill his good mood.

    "That's okay." Mia understood, noticing his discomfort. She looked up to kiss him on the cheek.

    Even though it was morning, Mia fell back asleep as she laid next to Antonio. She still needed to rest because of her head.

    What was strange was that nobody really bossed Mia around and told her to rest although she had a concussion. Even though everyone thought she should get more rest, nobody insisted that she should do so.

    And so, Mia went back to the battlefield not long afterward and nothing was said about it.

    On the other hand, Antonio was trying to fall asleep but felt uncomfortable under the medication.

The wires on his fingers and chest irritated him, especially with the tube in his right arm that allowed the IV drip to enter his bloodstream. Antonio cringed at the thought of the tube.

    Staring at Mia gave him comfort. The room was so quiet that all he could hear was her breathing. She was pretty even when she was fast asleep.

    When Antonio heard footsteps, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He didn't want to be disturbed.

    He heard a gasp and quickly distinguished the voice to be Emily's.

    Emily wished that she could take a picture of the two, but samuraizers weren't as advanced as cell phones.

    Emily decided to walk home on her own, leaving the couple to rest. She couldn't wait to tell the others what she saw.


    "You're not getting it." Kevin became increasingly frustrated as he watched Terry whack the dummy with a wooden sword.

    "Sorry, we just started." Terry made an excuse.

    "Come on. You barely woke up this morning too! Being a samurai is about discipline and-"

    "Your job isn't to turn me into a samurai. I thought you were just going to show me some moves." Terry was peeved.

    "I'm done with this!" Terry dropped the sword and left Kevin.

    "Ugh!" Kevin kicked the wooden sword that was on the floor.

    There was a dangerous and mysterious Nighlok that emerged from the other world and he had to spend his time playing mentor with Terry. He couldn't think of a better way to waste his precious time.


    "Guess what!" Emily spoke as she chewed. She had just remembered what happened at the hospital and was too excited to remember any manners.

    "What?" Mike asked, smiling at her excitement. He, Jayden, and Emily were all in the kitchen eating lunch.

    "Me and Mia went to the hospital together early this morning. When I went to Antonio's room, they were both sleeping next to each other!" Emily eagerly told them. "It was so cute!"

    Jayden's heart dropped when he heard this. His best friend and the one that he loved.

    "Aw, so that's why Mia isn't back yet. Does that mean that Antonio woke up already?" Mike asked.

    "I think so. He was kinda leaning towards her." Emily and Mike giggled at the romantic gossip. "We should all visit him!"

    "I'm going to go guys, I'll train later tonight if we don't have an attack." Jayden didn't feel like eating anymore. He was heartbroken.


    "We're losing her!" A crowd of doctors responded to the electrocardiograph's loud, monotonous beep as it showed a flatline on the screen.

    After trying to fight for her life for what seemed like forever, all of the commotion in the room had stopped after the head doctor said, "She's dead."

    All of the doctors looked down as one put the blanket over her head.

    Serena had passed away.

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