1 - Poison / Stolen

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The blood from a large wound across Jayden's chest stained Emily's shirt as she helped him stand.

Emily had been hauling Jayden's weight for a long time as they traveled home.

She didn't have enough symbol power to summon a horse. And she couldn't call the other rangers because she knew that they were in their own battles.

Though she was awfully exhausted, she couldn't begin to imagine Jayden's pain.

Prior to this, Emily and Jayden were fighting moogers in an evacuated high school.

Initially, they were having an easy time in the fight. However, they were separated and Jayden was singled out by a nighlok with poisonous powers.

As Jayden was held down by moogers. The nighlok took his sword and slashed the red ranger across his chest.

Poison seeped into his bloodstream, causing the red ranger to scream in agony, then leave his power ranger form.

But with Jayden down, Emily was left to finish the battle on her own. And unfortunately, the nighlok had full intentions to poison her.

She took a toll from the exhausting fight, but ultimately evaded all poisonous attacks.

In the end, Emily struck the nighlok down, causing him to dry up and begin to crack.

To Emily's relief, the rest of the moogers followed the nighlok out of their world. She could barely stand from her own injuries and exhaustion.

When she found Jayden, she became shocked by how much pain he seemed to be in.

He was curled up on the floor, trying to keep as quiet as possible and collect himself. But he couldn't feel anything beyond the torturous stinging sensation that spread from his chest to throughout his body.

It was a difficult sight for Emily.

Moving as quickly as she could, she used her symbol power to try purifying Jayden's wound, hoping to ease his pain.

Emily then tied her jacket securely around his wound and helped him off the ground.

With all of her strength, she pushed forward, making her way home.

Once Emily passed the gates and entered the Shiba House, her body finally gave in. Her head felt fuzzy and her vision became distorted.

She passed out on the gravel of the front yard. Jayden went down with her as well.


Mike, Mia, and Kevin were returning from their own battle with many moogers and a nighlok. They managed to defeat all of the monsters with minor injuries.

Mike walked ahead of the others, about to make it up to the Shiba House's gates. He was the first to spot Emily and Jayden laying on the gravel, covered in blood.

He ran up the path and kneeled beside them. Both of them were out cold, prompting Mike to check whether their hearts were beating. To his relief, they were.

"Kevin! Mia!" Mike frantically called for them to hurry over.

"C'mon Em!" Mike shook her slightly, trying to get her to wake up. It seemed he was more concerned about Emily than Jayden, even though Jayden seemed to have it worse.

Emily kept her eyes closed as she muttered, "Jayden, poisoned... poison..."

"I hear you Em." Mike was glad to hear her voice.

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