People who Create Stress

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So this is a follow up rant of sorts that goes hand in hand with my stress rant I posted a little while ago. Now the thing is, while I was writing that rant I realized that not only do I hate stress, but I hate it enough to write TWO rants on it. But this rant is going to be specifically focused on the types of people who create stress. At least, for me, in my life. Hopefully you guys will be able to relate to some of these as well.


*slow claps*

Oh, where to begin. I sort of already touched on this in the last rant about stress but seriously. Teachers need to chill. I have four classes in a semester, not just yours. So I really don't need three hours of homework from you, because I'm also going to be getting three hours from my other teachers.

And why does every subject need to have like 8 units that we are expected to complete in three months? And why does every unit need to have a test and a project? Seriously, give me some time to breathe.


Now this is a more... personal thing I guess, because everyone's parents and parental situation is different. But I think that we can all agree that a great majority of the stress we deal with stems from the wonderful people who raised us. Whether it's through unreasonable expectations (see my past rant on that) them trying to relive their youth through us, or them... I don't know just causing a lot of stress!

Like yes, it's easy for you to say that I should be getting straight 90s mom because you aren't the one actaully having to do all the work! And yeah dad, it's easy for you to say I should join a sports team because you aren't the one trying to balance your already crazy schedule!


Again, everyone's friends are different so I can't really give a generic statement about friends being stressful. However, I find that peer pressure is often a huge problem for people. I mean, there are some situations where peer pressure could be considered 'positive' I guess, like trying to guide your friend in the right direction. But a lot of times trying to force someone to make a decision, even if you think you are helping them, just puts more pressure on the person who's trying to make the decision.

I know for me personally I try to make decisions that will benefit the people around me and make them happy, so if they are pushing me to make a decision but then there's other people pushing me to choose the other option then I just get really stressed and indecisive and ugh.

Just really not good times.


If you are an only child, I apologize. This does not apply to you.

I am the oldest in my family. But I know (because my younger siblings tell me all the time) that being a younger sibling is very stressful because you feel like you have to live up to all these expectations your older siblings are creating whenever they do something great.

However, as an older sibling I feel stress/pressure whenever my younger sibling does something great that I didn't do because they have so much life left to live and I don't. So whatever they did, I will never get the opportunity to do.


Those are some people who create stress in my life. There are probably some more but these four are the main ones.

xoxo Emmalynn

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