Self-Confidence Part 2

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Emmalynn's Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Confidence is back!

Fake it till Ya Make it

If you act like you are confident, people will believe it. Trust me, if you just hold your head up high, pull your shoulders back and walk into that party/office/classroom/whatever like you know you are something special, other people will start to see it too. So even if you feel like putting your head on your desk and slipping unnoticed from people, don't. Because then you are giving people permission to not notice you.

And maybe you want that to happen. I mean, you do you, but usually it isn't a very big confidence booster to hear someone be like 'WHAT? You're in my class? I never even noticed you.'

But then again... I'm also loud and scary and make people uncomfortable so what do I know?

Do What Makes you Happy

It's not exactly rocket science: people are happiest when they are doing something they enjoy. So do whatever makes you feel confident. Whether it's joining a club or sports team, or hanging out with friends, make it happen. If you put yourself in situations that make you feel more confident, then it will transfer to other areas.

For example, I'm happiest when I'm on-stage. So I took drama class. I was in my school's play. I volunteer to read things aloud in my classes and present things. Those are things that make me feel confident, and the more I do them the more confident I feel for the rest of the day.

Expand Your Horizons

This can be a difficult one, as many people feel comfortable and confident in a certain 'safe-zone' they have established for themselves. But if you want to truly become more confident, you can't be afraid to take risks and try new things. Sure, it's great to be good at one thing, but wouldn't it be awesome if you had confidence in a lot of different areas? Well, take a chance and try something new! You never know, you could end up loving it!

Love Who You Are, Inside and Out

Last rant I focused more on loving your body and being comfortable in your skin. This rant I want to say: love who you are in the inside, too. Make sure that you can look yourself in the eye and be happy with who you are. This might sound kind of morbid, but sometimes I think to myself: if I died tonight, would I be proud of who I am and what I am accomplished today? Some days I am, others, not so much.

Nobody is perfect. Perfection does not exist. Everybody's perception of perfection is different (which is why it doesn't exist). So it's okay to have some things you want to change about your personality; we all do. I'm not asking you to be a saint. I'm just suggesting that if there is something about your personality that you don't like, try and change it. I don't mean completely change who you are as a person or anything, I'm just saying...

Okay, here's an example. My friends have pointed out that lately I have been quite pessimistic. I didn't like that about myself. I didn't want to be the one always bringing people down. So lately I have been trying to be more optimistic. Does it always work? No. But I don't see it as a failure, I see every day as a fresh start. I'm putting in the effort and that's all that matters.

If you can look yourself in the eye at night and be proud of yourself, then you should have all the confidence in the world. Because I am telling you right now, people are going to come and go all through your life and the only person who will always be with you is yourself. Quite literally. Because it's yourself.

Therefore, the only person you have to impress is yourself. So stop being so hard to impress! Like geez, who are you, Simon Cowell?

Honestly, you are your own toughest critic.

Treat Yourself Like You Are Your Best Friend

Would you ever call your best friend fat? I hope not. So why do you say that to yourself?

Stop being your own worst enemy. Be your biggest cheerleader. This requires no further explanation.

So Losers, I hope you have all become experts on self-confidence through this guide. Lol it's actually not very helpful but it hurts my heart when I hear about people with such low self-esteem. We have all been there at one point, and I want to be able to help boost some people up. Confidence is such a personal thing and it begins from the ground up. Start small and with low expectations, and you will be surprised at how quickly you find your confidence growing.

We all have off days. Yes, even me, Emmalynn, the confidence queen (totally kidding). But that's okay, because that's all a part of life. There are highs and lows, but in the end life has a way of balancing things out. So don't beat yourself up over a bad day; just remember tomorrow is a fresh start, new beginning, new adventure.

I hope you have a day that's as beautiful as you are <3

xoxo Emmalynn

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