Rude People

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Honestly some people just drive me crazy because, it's not that hard to be nice. It really, really, isn't. Holding open doors for people, saying hello, how are you, or giving people a hand with their groceries or something, it's not complicated.

So why isn't everybody doing it?
It's a lot harder to dedicate 100% of your life to bullying people or making their life miserable. Seriously, who has time for that? I don't even have time for all my homework.

Bullies and other rude people annoy me so much. Like I said, I personally believe that it's a lot easier to be nice to people than be mean.

I don't understand bullies. Does it give them a sense of satisfaction beating someone else down? Does it make them feel powerful making others cry?
I know for a fact that the people who smile the most often have a lot hiding behind their constant grin. Just because someone looks and seems like they are happy and confident with themselves doesn't give you the freedom to insult them and make fun of them.

And then rude people... oh don't even get me started. Some people just don't have respect for anyone. For example, I have noticed a lot of students in my class that have absolutely zero respect for teachers. Honestly, I don't like every teacher I've had, but I respect them all. That doesn't mean I agree with everything they say (trust me, I defintely do not) but I still respect them for devoting their lives to teaching me and all the other students.
I know, some people out there don't seem like they are worthy of being treated with respect but... I'm gonna break out that line, that line that Catholic students hear every single day of their lives:

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

I know that line seems stupid and lame but it can literally be applied to any situation.

Would you want someone to stab you with a knife? No? Then don't murder.

Would you want someone to take all your money and run? Nope? So don't steal.

Would you want someone to interrupt you when you are telling a story? Nah? So don't talk when your teacher is talking.

^^^^See? It works in literally every situation!!!!

Moral of this rant: Be a good person.
Simple enough, right?

Love you Losers!

xoxo Emmalynn

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