Book Titles

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I haven't ranted about something Wattpad-related in a while, so I thought I'd bring this rant book back to the homeland with today's topic.

Ah, Wattpad, so much to love, and so much to get annoyed with at the same time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would be lost if it weren't for this website (since it's practically my entire life) but there are some things that I still get annoyed with.

Exhibit A: Book titles. Not all book titles, just some people's. Now, I am the first person to admit that it can be very difficult to try and come up with an appropriate title for a book. Picking a book title is a process, not a split-second 'I'll just slap something on it' kind of decision.

Take Hunger Games fan fictions for example. So many of them are just called The 200th Hunger Games or The 5th Quarter Quell or whatever. Like, come on people! Put some thought and creativity into it. Make your book stand out among the hundreds of others.

Then there's all the completely overused titles that all have some variation of 'Mr. Popular Meets Ms. Nobody'. I guess there's nothing particularly wrong with it, it just annoys me because so many books are called the same thing.

I think that book titles are an important part of a book. It's the first thing the person sees on the cover. It's probably the deciding factor in whether or not they'll read the book.

Some titles have absoloutely nothing to do with the actual story. Like, say a book's called Kidnapped. Well, the reasonable thing would be to expect that someone gets kidnapped, right? Nope. It's just a book about a bad boy falling in love with a good girl. Where did the title come from? DOES ANYONE KNOW???

I guess you could justify by saying the girl kidnapped the guy's heart but that's stretching it a bit. I don't want to have to infer the meaning of your title.

Or sometimes you see those titles that give away the entire plot. The Girl Who Was Taken By Wolves But Don't Worry She Lives And Falls In Love Too!!!!!!!!!!

Okay maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but it's not as far off as you might think.

Anyways Losers, please take time when picking your book titles. Wait for the right one to come to you, don't just slap one on that doesn't feel right.

xoxo Emmalynn

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