P.S. Bonus Rant-age?

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Hey Losers! Thought you got rid of me so easily? Well, you were wrong! While going through my laptop files, I found some never-before-seen rants that I figured I could tack on to the end of this rant book as a sort of bonus footage, along with some questions and answers. Enjoy!

Annoying Words

This is dedicated to annoying things that people say.

WARNING: I am a total hypocrite, and I fully realize that I say a lot of these things too, on a daily basis, and it's probably annoying. Also, just because you may say these things doesn't mean you are an annoying person, this post is just for fun and is not to be taken seriously.

1. Numero uno. People who say "like" in every. single. sentence. First of all, let's clarify what the word 'like' means.

of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.

corresponding or agreeing in general or in some noticeable respect; similar; analogous: drawing, painting, and like arts.

bearing resemblance.

Well, thanks for that, dictionary.com.

Anyways, the word 'like' clearly has several different meanings, but none of them include, 'a space filler used when someone is unsure of what to say next,' or 'used to add emphasis to the following word'

Not only is this important in everyday speech, but also when you are writing a story. I definitely don't want to read a story that's dialogue is full of sentences such as;

"So, I, like, y'know, like, y'know, like, y'know, like..."

I think you get my point.

*Please note, obviously if you are using the word 'like' to add personality to your character, and that is how your character is supposed to talk, then this doesn't apply to you. Keep in mind, however, that dialogue using the word 'like' should be used in moderation*


You only live once.

No, really? Now you tell me?

My friends and I typically use this word sarcastically, ex. Going to math class, YOLO!

I think that using it sarcastically is fine, but when people use it as an excuse to do stupid things they wouldn't normally due, problems arise, ex. Skipping math class today, YOLO! Going skydiving today, YOLO! Gonna throw myself off a cliff, YOLO!

Honestly, YOLO is just a seriously overused abbreviation that isn't even a word so why are we even talking about this?

3. Swag

As many others have said, Justin Bieber ruined this word, especially considering his actions lately. Swag. What does that word even fully mean? Honestly, whenever I hear people use this word seriously, I can barely contain myself from rolling my eyes. Ugh. Swag.

People who try and make themselves feel better by making others feel bad

Newsflash people: we all have insecurities, and we all go through difficulties in our lives. And no matter how bad your life seems in the moment, there is always going to be someone who is doing worse than you are, just like there is always going to be someone doing better.

That does not give you the right to hold it over my head!

Don't be rude to me and then when I confront you about it start crying and be all like 'I'm so sorry, just my life is so rough, I wanted cereal this morning and we ran out of milk.' Like come on honey, don't make excuses. Own up to your mistakes.

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