"Earth is going to blow up and nothing we do will matter"

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I can’t believe I haven’t done a rant on this yet, because this kind of people honestly annoy me so much. I hate negative people. I know that ‘hate’ is a strong word, and I’m using it on purpose, because negative people annoy the bananas out of me.

These kind of people can take any situation and turn it into something bad.


Positive Percy: OMG! I just won the lottery!

Negative Nancy: You know you have to pay taxes on that, right?

Positive Percy: Yes! I have a class with my best friend!

Negative Nancy: That teacher picks all the partners for you anyways.

Positive Percy: I’m so glad the sun is shining. It will be such nice weather for the work picnic today!

Negative Nancy: Glad you’re enjoying it, because this Global Warming is killing the polar bears.

^^^^^ See what I mean? These people seem determined to kill everyone’s sunshine. Honestly, if you’re in a bad mood, whatever, I guess it’s hard to control that, but at least keep it to yourself. You can go ahead and be sad and grumpy but don’t bring other happy, innocent people with you.

Seriously, these people are like the Dementors in Harry Potter. They suck all of the happy memories out from the world.

I think we should just run up to them wielding sticks and shout ‘EXPECTO PATRONUM’ as loud as possible. Maybe then they’d see the light.

In life, there are ups and downs. We can all hope for more ups than downs, or better yet, we could all just be ‘on a rollercoaster that only goes up’. <- I actually don’t really like the Fault in Our Stars, but hey, the quote fit.

Anyways, point is, you win some, you lose some. So when I’m winning some, I really don’t want some person whispering in my ear how I’m going to lose it all.

So next time you feel like saying something negative just to bring someone’s mood down, mentally cast your patronus at yourself and keep your lips sealed. Or else I’m sending He Who Shall Not Be Named after you.

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Love you losers :P

xoxo Emmalynn

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