"this isnt a phase mom this is my life now"

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We all have those days where we think about what our life was like when we were younger and we just want to burn every picture and erase our friend's memories so the days can just be forgotten.

My awkward stage was Grade 6. I decided to cut my hair short (I donated it to make wigs for children who are undergoing chemotherapy, but still, it looked awful) and it was the first year my school got uniforms but I thought I was so cool and...


It was an uncomfortable time.

Nowadays I wish I coauld go up to myself when i was 11 and just let myself stop. being. so. weird.

Honestly, my awkward stage is probably nothing to a lot of people. I have a friend (not even a friend anymore, really) who goes to my school and honestly, I think she is going through her awkward stage now. She's suddenly decided she's all punk-rock-hard-cores-emo-screamo-swagilicious and she wears short black shorts and weird tights and wears headphones around her neck and got bangs and...


Basically she has completely changed everything about her. However, she insists that "this is the real her' and 'this is her life now' hence the title above^

I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to hate on this girl, I just don't understand how she went from a sweet girl who loved pink and cupcakes and unicorns and other happy, fluffy stuff to a girl who's favourite conversation topic is the difference between metal-core and screamo.

I don't listen to any heavy metal bands. That doesn't mean I have stuff against them, they just aren't my thing. Thankfully, I have passed my awkward stage, and I don't think I will be turning Emo anytime soon.

Although, maybe my awkward stage isn't over? What if I'm actually living in my awkward stage RIGHT NOW?

After all, when you were in your awkward stage, you didn't realize it was your awkward stage, did you? Otherwise you would have stopped doing whatever you were doing that made it awkward!

That's some food for thought, eh? Maybe we are all in our awkward stages right now...

But don't actually worry about it. Awkward is adorable! Go out there and live your life! YOLO, no regrets. Seriously, though. We can worry about the future in the future. Live for now.

Don't do anything stupid though. No spontaneous cliff-jumping or skydiving.

Stay classy :P

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