People Who Don't Know when to stop...

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TALKING: Okay seriously, I like to talk, but I am nothing compared to these people. They're the most annoying in class, when they could answer the question in one word but instead choose to take 5 minutes and everyone is just sitting there waiting for them to shut up. Take a hint, please. We don't have all class for you to answer one question.

Or when someone stops me in the hallway to talk to me about nothing in particular, but they need to make me late for class. Like, I get that you are bored and tired. That's the way everyone feels at school! You don't need to go on and on!

Or when I text someone, and I say I have to go, but they say one more second I have something to tell you or whatever and go on for another twenty minutes. What part of 'gtg' do you not understand?

MAKING JOKES: Some people just aren't funny. That's cool, it takes all kinds to make a world. What really annoys me is when people don't take a hint and keep trying so desperately to get people to crack up. If there's one thing I know, most of the time the harder you try to be funny, the less funny it is. It's better if it's spontaneous and unexpected. I mean, there's a reason the 'Why did the chicken cross the road' joke isn't so funny anymore.

YELLING: I hate when teachers yell, I hate when kids yell, and I even hate when people just talk loudly. Most of the time, it's just unnecessary and rude. That's all there is to say about that.

COMPLAINING: There is always going to be someone worse off than you. There is always going to be someone better off than you. That is a fact of life. Be thankful for what you have, and focus on the good things. Seriously, I am so sick of hearing people constantly whining about things they don't have. Honestly, instead of wasting your time complaining, think about how you are going to accomplish your goal.

Alright Losers, that's it for today. There were a billion more things I could have added to this rant, but I am using my school's library computer and the keyboard is super annoying. So i'm going to end it here.

I'm going to do my best to continue with the quick updates, because I love you Losers! Thank you so much for 2K reads on this book, it honestly means the world to me! Thanks for all of your support <3



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