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Thanks sabrinademelo for nominating me for this thing! I don't even know what it is but I'm going to do it anyway!

So basically you guys are going to get to know me better. I decided to change up some of the questions because I felt like my answers would be really boring if I went with the original questions.

Okay, let's do this!

Name: Call me Emma :)

Crush: ZAC EFRON, Niall Horan, Finnick Odair (aka Sam Clafin)

Height: 5'8 or 5'9

Birthday: March 22nd!!! In like 2 days.

Best Friends: sabrinademelo heartrain31259 Boring_Tings SweetDreams_Angel the_purple_boss

Last song I listened to: Good Girls by 5SOS

Last time I cried: 2 years ago when my guinea pig died :'(

Favourite Harry Potter character: Luna Lovegood

Favourite Disney Channel show: Wizards of Waverly Place

Favourite Reality show: Dance Moms

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite school subject: In general, English and History, but my English class is pretty boring this semester so History.

Favourite Musical: Legally Blonde!!!!! My life will not be complete until I play Elle. Even if it's just in my own basement

Dream Pet (like if you could have any animal in the world as a pet): Snowy Owl

Greatest Accomplishment: directing/writing my elementary school's musical. Actually, the fact that I even managed to GRADUATE elementary school is a pretty big accomplishment, considering the fact my teacher threatened to fail me like a million times. (note: it is literally impossible for your teacher to make you fail grade 8. Just so ya know)

Pet Peeves: when people interrupt me when I'm talking (cue death glare), the colour red (especially the red heart emoji--only purple hearts!), certain names, being ignored, the list goes on and on.

Preferred breakfast food: bagel with strawberry cream cheese.

Well I think those are all the basics that you need to know about me! Time to nominate some people.







Alrighty, that's all for today Losers! If you wanna do this, go for it! I'll put @sabrinademelo's rant in the external link so you can see the original questions if you'd rather do those.

xoxo Emmalynn22

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