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Alright guys, today we are gonna get serious. Super serious.

I've seen a few people talk about this topic in some of their rant books (I have a looooot of rant books in my library...oops) and I decided to add my own two cents.

Except pennies don't exist anymore in Canada. So I guess my own five cents, since all I have is a nickel. Double oops.

I'm sure you have all heard about feminism, and the fight for women's rights. You might have also heard some of the bad things that people have said about feminists, like 'you're just trying to take over men!" And "all you are is a bunch of attention seekers" and so on and so forth.

Well, my friends, we are gonna get to the bottom of this.

As always, we all have our own opinions. So I ask that we all respect each other's opinions. Sound good? Alright.

Feminism, to me, is simply trying to find the best solution for everyone. For myself personally, the biggest concern for women is the fact that in certain jobs, women are still paid less than men for the same work. Does that sound fair to you?

I didn't think so. All women want is to be treated equally to men. That's it. Why is that so hard?

To continue with this topic (Gender Wage Gap) I'm going to use some examples from the website thinkprogress.org I'll try and link it in the external link.

Here's how we know the Gender Wage Gap exists:

Women earn less when they get the same education.

Studies show that even when a women has the same education as a male, the male is paid more.

Women earn less then men in virtually every occupation.

Obviously, there are some careers that tend to have more female employees (ex. Teachers, nurses etc.) and these jobs tend to pay less. However, even in jobs that have fairly equal men/women employees, women are paid less!

Women earn less because of discrimination.

This doesn't happen all the time, but it would be stupid to assume that it doesn't happen at all. I'm just gonna pick a random example here.

Let's say a women was working for a mail delivery company, like FedEx or UPS or something. An example of discrimination would be if the boss decides to pay her less because he assumes the women wouldn't be doing any heavy lifting, because she would leave it for her male co-worked to do, since she's a female.

Finally, women's careers are often interrupted due to family reasons.

If a women goes on maternity leave or chooses to stay home to watch the kids every Tuesday or something, obviously her pay is going to be affected. It just so happens that most stay at home parents are moms. (Not all, but most)

So what are you gonna do?

I don't really know what else to say.

I hope this rant was enjoyable. At first, I wasn't going to post it because I thought it was too serious for my little rant book. Typically I try to make my rants light hearted and humorous, and this one was a bit heavier. Hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

Man: if women are so great, then why did God create men first?

Women: everyone needs a rough draft before a final copy ;)

^just a joke don't take it too seriously :P

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