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I know I already did a rant on teachers before but there was one major point that I didn't really touch upon in that rant that really annoys me.

Basically, as heartrain31259 , the_purple_boss and Boring_Tings know, I often disagree with teachers. And I'm not afraid to challenge teachers about things if I think they're wrong. But I know there's a line between standing up for yourself and being disrespectful and you have to watch what you say or you could get suspended yadadadada.

The point is, I think it's really stupid how I could get suspended for stating my opinion when here in this beautiful country of Canada all people are granted freedom of speech.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I want to be able to swear at teachers and call them names and belittle them, because that's totally horrible, I'm just saying that I shouldn't be afraid of getting in trouble for defending myself.

This shouldn't happen:

"Oh! Look at that," said myself. "Mr. Rob marked my test wrong. He took a mark off because I said that one plus one equals two. He said it should equal three. But he's wrong. One plus one equals two."

"But Emmalynn," some random person in my class says in a dramatic whisper. "Mr. Rob is, like, the teacher. If you try to argue with him, he could like, totally suspend you."

"But-but... I lost a mark for putting down the right answer."

"Emmalynn!" booms the all-great and powerful Mr. Rob. "Is something wrong over there?"

"Well...yes...On my test you marked me wrong for putting one plus one equals two. But I was right."

Mr. Rob laughs evilly. "Oh, but Emmalynn, I'm the teacher. If I say one plus one equals three, then it equals three! You are nothing but a filthy peasant/student! Bow down to my command!"

^^^^^Literally, this is what it feels like sometimes.

In my other rant about teachers, I talked about how much I respect teachers. And I do. So all I ask is for a little respect back. Is that so wrong? I just want teachers to treat me like I am a person with feelings and opinions, not just a pawn in their game of chess. Sure, they are the ones with authority, but they can still respect me as a person.

Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you guys.

xoxo Emmalynn

P.S. Oh, and if you haven't been reading my new original novel 'College Fund', click the external link!

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