Dear Me?

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So this is like a video thing that I have seen a lot of youtubers do, and I thought why not do this on Wattpad? That's what I'm gonna do. Basically, you just write a letter to yourself about what you wish you knew for that age.

In my case, I am going to write a letter to myself for when I was 10, around 6 years ago. There are a lot of things I have to say so time to write.

Dear Me,

Wow, where do I begin? Well, you're probably halfway through Grade 4 right now. And I know you think you are so cool because you are in the Junior grades but... you're not.

But I mean keep up that confidence. You go girl.

You don't have to be so competitive all the time. You don't always have to get the highest mark in the class. You don't have to be right all the time. You wonder where all the pressure is coming from, and it comes from yourself. Just a tip.

Don't be afraid to do the things you want to do because you fear failure. Soon you will learn how to deal with this fear, so don't beat yourself up on past opportunities. Focus on the present and future.

I know that you think that you are mature, but you aren't. You aren't ready to deal with boys and things yet, but I know that won't keep you from trying. It will only take one boy to make you realize that you don't have time for those things.

Big changes are coming. I know that you probably think that things couldn't get any weirder than they are, but they will. You won't know how to handle it. You will feel betrayed. (Yes, you will cry.) But I can guarantee that everything will work out in the end and you will be happier than you could have ever imagined.

Arguments that are the end of the world at the moment will be forgotten within a month. I know you don't believe me, but you will learn. By Grade 10 no one will care who won the speech competition in Grade 4 or who apologized first.

Oh, and I know that you are always looking for attention at school. Stop that. Being bossy won't get you anywhere. Learn the value of listening. If you need to talk to someone about what's going on, do it. And when you talk to them, don't lie because you can't understand your own feelings. Just be honest. They are only trying to help you.

A girl who seems like your best friend is going to be the end of a lot of your other friendships. She is going to cause a whole truckload of drama and problems. There's nothing you can do about it, just try not to fuel the flames, okay?

In Grade 6 you are going to get an awful haircut, but it was for a good cause. So it all balances out.

Keep writing. Your stories and diary entries may seem weird considering few other people enjoy doing them, but it is a great stress reliever for you. Keep at it, and you will be surprised where it will take you.

Just so you know, everything is going to be okay. It's going to be better than okay; things are great right now. People are going to come and go, you're going to have bad days, you're going to fail a religion test in Grade 7, but one day you will look back on those things and know that everything is going to work out for the better. You're going to meet amazing friends in high school, get the lead role in the school play, and get straight 90s. Life has this crazy way of working itself out.

In short, just keep your head held high and keep doing what you are doing!

Love, Me

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