Love #5: Friends

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I figured it was about time for me to spread some love instead of hatred again, so today we're all about positivity! Today's loveable thing: friends.

Sometimes I try to think what my life would be like without some of my friends, and I actually get scared for myself. I mean, I tend to let it all out here in my rant book, but imagine me in real life when I'm angry and I have no friends to keep me under control.

It's not a pretty picture, let me tell you.

I guess I should clarify something here though: when I say friends, I'm talking about good friends. I don't necessarily mean best friends, but I definitely don't mean those fake friends who are only nice when it's convenient for them or any other type of bully-friend/frenemy.

My friends make me so happy. I could be having the worst day ever and they'll have me laughing within .25 seconds. And if you're reading this, and you're wondering if I'm talking about you, then I probably am.

Just saying.

Anyways, if you know me in real life, which probably about 3 of you do, then you know that my locker is completely covered in pictures of my friends. I did that on purpose. Obviously. I mean, it would be pretty hard to do that by accident.

Not the point.

The point is that school can be hard. Like, three culminatings in one day hard. And the subtle reminder of my friends always being there for me in my locker (and my heart aww) is motivation for me to keep going.

So thank you to all my friends for keeping me safe, sane, and... okay I was going to say having my trust but to be honest I don't really trust anyone. But sometimes I trust my friends. Sometimes. So yeah, thanks guys for being trustworthy. Sometimes.

I love those friends where you might not see each other for days or weeks or years but as soon as you see them it's like no time has passed. They just understand you.

Oh, and inside jokes are always the best because everyone's looking at you like you're insane while you're dying of laughter on the floor. Yup, good times.

Friends who I have common interests with are pretty cool too, because we push each other to do our best. However, it's also awesome when I have different interests than me because then I get to learn about something new!

See, friends are amazing! And the best thing about friendship, I think, is that I am constantly meeting new people and therefore meeting new friends. So it just never ends! Well, I guess friendships do end sometimes. And that sucks. But all good things have to come to an end at some point, I suppose.

And if you're reading this and feeling like you don't have any true friends, I want you to know that first of all, you're wrong, because I'm your friend and everyone in this whole Loser community are your friends because that's part of being a loser, and second of all, keep being social and meeting new people! Especially if you are in elementary school. I'll tell you right now, when I was in elementary school and I had friends and I love them all and talk to them still, don't get me wrong, but I have met my true friends in high school. Like true friends as in I think we are actually the same person. Yeah, I have those moments with quite a few of my friends.

To all my Loser-friends, I love you!

xoxo Emmalynn

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