People Who Don't Like Me

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I have always had this... issue, I suppose you could call it, about people not liking me. Now, it's just a fact that not everyone in your life is going to like you, and I thought I had come to terms with that. But I definitely haven't.

Look, it's easy to say that you don't care if people don't like you. It's much harder to actually not care.

I think everyone has this desire to be liked. We wouldn't be human if we didn't. But sometimes I take it a little too far.

For example, one time last year one of my guy friends randomly told me that this kid in my religion class hated me. Not even just disliked, we are talking full-on hatred! And maybe this wouldn't have been such a big deal if this was just a guy in my religion class, (actually, it probably still would have been) but I went to elementary school with this guy for like, ten years. And yeah, maybe we were never close friends but I always thought we were on good terms. Apparently not.

Now, I consider myself to be pretty confident. So (especially after reading my self-confidence rants) you would probably expect me to shrug it off and be like no big deal, right? Like, who cares, that's one guy out of like the 300 people in my grade, who cares if he hates me or not.

But that's not what I did. In fact, it got stuck in my mind. I had to figure out why this guy hated me! So I asked the guy who told me to figure out why he hated me. But I never ended up getting an answer from him. And I still think about it now.

I convince myself that I don't care what people think, and to a certain point I don't care. But when it comes to people hating me, I care. Because I love everyone!

Okay, maybe not everyone. But I would never go so far as to hate someone. So when I found out that this guy hated me I was totally shocked because I was his lab partner in grade 8! And like you just don't walk away from that, you know?

Oh. I just realized that this looks like I have a crush on this guy. I can guarentee that is not the situation.

That is not sarcasm.

Anyway, I would not recommend that you take what people say to heart. And I would definitely recommend that you not care about what people think about you because (like I said in my self-confidence rants) you are all that matters. As long as you are happy with yourself, that's all that matters.

And guess what! I love you! I might not know you, but I love you. And that's pretty great, isn't it?

xoxo Emmalynn

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