Love #4: RAK

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Hey Losers! Emmalynn here with another love. I know right? So crazy. I've just been spreading the love lately.

So, if the title confuses you (which it probably does) it's an acronym I created myself because I was too lazy to type the whole thing. But I guess that was kind of pointless because I'm going to have to type the whole thing now so you know what I'm talking about. *sigh*

Well, I'll summon all the strength I have to type it. RAK=Random Acts of Kindness.

Now, I think all of us love RAK. I mean, how could you not love it? So I thought it was worthy of a love.

Look at it this way: don't you just love when someone holds the door open for you? Especially when you have something in your hands and you were going to have to struggle to open up the door on your own. I don't know, it just makes me smile and my morning a bit brighter, I guess. That's why I try to do it for other people whenever I can.

Oh, and one of my favourite things to do on RAK day (yes, there is a designated day, at least in my region. Do you losers have that too?) is to go into the Tim Hortons drive-thru and pay for the person's order behind me. That's when you hope there isn't a car full of Timbits soccer players behind you with an $80 order.

Anyways, the best thing about RAK in my opinion is that they don't have to cost anything, and you can do them at any time, anywhere. And I think we can all agree we could do them more often.

So go out there Losers! Share some smiles with people. I've had enough of this angry, gloomy world. We need to bring back the light and enjoy every day. Little things CAN make a big difference. RAK proves that.

Love you Losers!

xoxo Emmalynn

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