Love #10: Meghan Trainor

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I seriously did not think this whole Love thing would last. I was on like number 3 and running out of ideas. But lately I have been making an effort to be more optimistic and a lot of great loves have come out of that. SO yay.

Anyways, today we are talking about the one, the only, Meghan Trainor. So Dear Future Husband I want you to Close your Eyes because I'm All About That Bass.

I think Meghan is one of those people where you either love her or you hate her. And, obviously, I love her. But if you don't like her, that's cool too. You do you.

1. Her Songs are Super Catchy

Come on, even if you don't like her you can't tell me you don't scream along to All About that Bass when it comes on the radio. The beat is just too catchy to ignore, and I bet you know almost all the lyrics. That's probably because they're all the same but that's beside the point. You still know them.

2. She's Super Confident

Obviously I don't know her personally but in her music videos and performances she always works it. She 'ain't no size two' but she is proud of her body and who she isn't afraid to show off who she is. So you go Meghan!

3. Great Role Model for Young Girls

Okay, I know what you are thinking. "Emma you are crazy she sexualizes women!!!!!!!!!! How is that being a great role model??? Have you even read the lyrics of her songs?"

Yes, I have read the lyrics of her songs, and here's what I have to say about that.

There are two types of songs in the world: songs that have deeper meanings and messages beyond what the lyrics say, and songs that aren't meant to be taken so seriously. Meghan's songs fall into the second category.

If you want a meaning for her songs, this is how I interpret them:

All About that Bass: You don't have to be a model to be confident in yourself

Dear Future Husband: Treat me right

Close Your Eyes: there's more to people than their looks

And there you go. Aren't those great messages for young girls, and just everyone in particular? Stop trying to find a deeper meaning, because there isn't one.

And yes, I know that her songs seem to 'skinny shame' and I obviously don't support that. Her message would be better if she was like 'everyone's beautiful!' instead of calling skinny girls bitches, but I think she wants to sing about her own experiences. She's a 'bigger' girl (she isn't even plus size honestly, it's just that everyone else in Hollywood is just so ridicuously thin) so she's talking about her own self confidence and being happy with her size. That's how I see it, anyways.

xoxo Emmalynn

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