"Is there such thing as a happy rant?"

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I realized that there's no rule saying that rants have to be all negative. Can't there be something so perfect and amazing that I want to rant about how good it is?

I decided that yes, there could be something like that. And the perfect topic came to me.

5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction.

Before you start yelling at me and calling me a crazy fan girl (which I am, although not nearly as crazy as my twin ;) ) hear me out.

I just went to a One Direction concert on Saturday and 5SOS opened and it was so good omg.

Okay so here are all the good points about 5SOS and 1D:

~they are all amazing singers/amazing at playing whatever instrument they play. You can really tell this when you go to their concert but also from 1D's X factor auditions and the videos 5SOS first put on Youtube.

~they honestly love their fans. At the concert both bands kept thanking the crowd for making their dream come true and spending our evening with them :)

~they aren't afraid to joke/fool around on stage

~their songs are catchy (even though both bands have different styles of music, both are super catchy)

~they are super thoughtful (ex. At the concert, Harry saw this girl's sign that said it was her birthday, and he wished her a happy birthday, then he wished everyone else who's birthday it was a happy birthday in the stadium)

~they aren't afraid to be themselves and it's super inspiring

~they think everyone is beautiful

~not gonna lie they aren't too hard on the eyes am I right ladies? ;)

Add more reasons in comments because obviously this isn't all of them.

Please don't judge me for this, I love 1D and 5SOS and I respect your music choices so respect mine!

*if you love 5SOS, read my twin's fan fiction 'Red Strings', and/or the sequel 'Tangled Strings'!

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Swag swag swiggity swag,

Emmalynn ✌️

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