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As much as I love wifi, and websites, and just the internet in general, sometimes I sit back and realize that often it fails me just as much as it helps and entertains me.

The good points of the Internet:


-Social networking sites



-Online Dictionaries


-Online friends who don't know how awkward and ugly you are in real life

-Did I mention Wattpad :)

The bad points of the Internet:

-Weak signal

-Websites crashing


-Not knowing how to do something on a website or program

-Not being able to find the website you are looking for because there are so many to choose from

-Websites that take forever to load

-Videos that take forever to load

-Your computer telling you there's no wifi available when two seconds ago you had five bars!!!!!

All of the bad things just happened to me and that's why I'm writing this rant. Except the cyber-bullying, unless my computer being mean to me counts...

 BTW..... That little media thing to the side is a pretty trippy gif :P

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