Love #11: High School

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So as promised, here I am with all the good things about high school! Ah, where to begin, where to begin??? Well, I guess where I began last time.

1. People

Yes, I dislike some parts of being apart of a large school, but I would be lying if I said there weren't any benefits. Thanks to the fact that my school is so large and so many people from different elementary schools feed into it I have met some of the best people in the world. Since there are so many people to meet and talk to I have finally been able to meet people who understand me. It's a miracle!

Also, the benefits of having so many people means we are able to have teams such as a school play, football team, softball team, rugby etc. So even if there is more competition for those things, at least we have them!

2. Resources

Now every school is different, but my school is beautiful. It's a gorgeous school. It's newly constructed so everything is fancyyy and we have some pretty cool technology. Par exemple, nous avons un 'smart board' dans chaque classe des mathematiques. (Can you tell I've been doing French homework? Kudos to you if you could understand that!) So being at high school we have a ton of cool things compared to my tiny elementary school. First of all, we have a stunning theatre (which is where I like to spend most of my time) and that means that when practicing for the school play we didn't have to worry about kicking out the boys basketball team out of the gym! (My old school had a stage in the gym so this was a common process.)

3. Different Classes

Another thing that I love about high school is that it's on a semester basis. So you have four classes for about four months and then you switch to four other classes for the last four months of the school year. Now I love this because if you don't like a class then you only have to put up with it for half a year. That's a pretty sweet deal.

You also get to choose some classes. For example, in my school district you get to choose two classes in Grade 9 and 10 and 5 classes in Grade 11 and 12. It's a lot more fun when you are in classes you enjoy and actually want to take. We never got to choose classes in elementary school so that's a cool thing about high school.

Also, you have different teachers for each subject so if you don't like them you only have to put up with them for one class. We all have those teachers :)

4. More Freedom

You definitely have a lot more freedom (and responsibility) in high school. You have four minutes between classes (at my school) to go between classes. Is there anyone holding your hand and making sure you get to class on time? Nope. Not saying you should be late or skip class because obviously there are consequences but I'm just saying you are able to walk around without someone breathing down your neck.

You can go out for lunch without parent permission, which is great if you have a wide selection of food places near your school, which I happen to. (Corner store, Starbucks, Fortinos, 241 Pizza to name a few).

Overall, high school is pretty awesome and you should look forward to it, not dread it!

xoxo Emmalynn

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