"it's mine"

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It's there for a reason. 

Now, just so we're clear, no one has plagiarized my own work. But it's an all too familiar struggle on websites such as Wattpad. My wonderful friend, Kamile aka Purple (I dedicated this to her so go check her books out) recommended that I rant about this when one of her characters she drew on some website called 'DeviantArt' (are you guys familiar with that website? I'm not an artist so I have no idea) Anyways, some character she created was stolen by some other person, who passed it off as his/her own. 

Now, my friend isn't one to get upset about those kind of things, but I am the opposite.

It doesn't matter whether it's a story, character, drawing, cover, summary, plot. . . ANYTHING. If it's not yours, and you don't have permission to use it, and you are passing it off as your own, you are plagiarizing. 

Plagiarizing is wrong.

Someone spent a lot of time (and even if they spent 5 seconds, that's still their own time) creating whatever it is they create, and they post it and they are proud of it and then. . . BAM. Their idea is taken.

What I really don't understand is how these people justify plagiarism. What goes through their mind? "Oh, hey. Here's a great story/picture/plot idea. Imma take this and use it for myself. No need to ask for permission and give creds or anything, I'm too fab for that life."

No. Just, no.

There is one exception, in my opinion. 

I am a fan fiction writer. Check out my Hunger Games fan fics if you haven't already, 'In This Together' and 'Fuelling the Flames.' Anyways, I think that fan fictions, even though you may be using plot ideas and characters, are fine IF you give credits to the rightful owner at the very beginning of your story. If you need an example, check out the first chapter of 'In This Together'. (The link is in the external link, btw)

Okay. It's almost lunch, so I'm going to peace out now.

Sorry I haven't written a rant in a while. I was struggling to come up with a topic.


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