"All of my readers are so annoying"

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Like I have mentioned before, I have a LOT of rant books in my library. I like listening to people getting their anger out, and sometimes it gives me inspiration to update this book for all of you, my fellow losers :P

Anyways, a lot of these books are written by pretty popular authors, with anywhere from 500-1K fans. And I absolutely can't stand when these authors say rude things about their fans.

Even less popular authors, with around the same number of followers like me. (Less than one hundred). You should be grateful for every single fan you have.

For example, one rant book that I read had a new chapter today about 'annoying comments'. In the chapter, she included some examples of these 'annoying' comments, such as 'I LOVEEE THIS' and 'PLEASE UPDATE SOON'.

Are you kidding me? I would ADORE if someone commented something like this on my story. It would completely make my day. Since when is 'I love this story' an annoying comment?

The author tried to back themselves up, saying 'how am I supposed to know what they loved about my story if all they say is that they loved it?'

Well you know what, not all readers are there to critique and pin point exact details, okay? Readers don't have time to type a three paragraph comment about what they loved. So they simply say they love it. It's the writer's job to determine what their readers like, in my opinion. By seeing what chapters get the most votes and positive comments, you can determine what you are doing right.

Just my opinion.

Vote if you agree,

Comment if you have something to say,

And follow to make my day!

xoxo Emmalynn

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