"That was wayyyyyyyy out"

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Okay this rant isn't gonna be about wattpad, it's gonna be about the real world.

Let's be real, yo.

Have you ever met those people that are just so competitive? I'll admit, I am a pretty competitive person myself, and nobody likes to lose. But there are some people who will go to extreme lengths to avoid losing.

I had (actually, still have) a friend who used to cry and claim that I hurt her whenever we were playing a game and I was winning. Seriously. It happened.

I'll give you an example. So, we were playing elimination-basketball style. (If you don't know the rules of elimination basketball, basically everyone is on their own team and the last person to score is out, and you keep going until only one person is left) There were probably 4 or 5 of us in total. One guy had already scored, so he was standing back, just watching the rest of us battle it out. I remember me and two of my gal pals were battling it out over the ball when I scored, and we were like, where'd Celeste go? (Celeste is who we are going to call the uber-competitive girl) and we turned around and saw her. And guess what she said?

If you can't tell, I'm HURT!

And then she stormed away.

Apparently, the guy who had already scored had seen the whole thing. I guess Celeste was hit by a volleyball while me and my other friends were distracted by the game. She ended up being really mad at me and I didn't understand why!

Another time, we were playing elimination again, this time with hockey. I wasn't playing at first, and nobody was scoring. When I joined the game, I scored within the first 2 minutes. (That was purely luck, just saying) Instead of congratulating me, Celeste claimed I 'hurt her finger' and she went into the office and got ice. (We were playing this during outdoor gym class, by the way).

In both cases I was so annoyed because I never did anything like that to her. When she scored I would always congratulate her. I never claimed to be better than her. I never bragged about when I won. I never did anything to provoke that kind of behavior.

So what happened? Well, basically the situation ended with me not wanting to play games with Celeste anymore because I knew she would get 'hurt' and cry if I won. I didn't think it was fair for her to expect me to sand-bag and lose on purpose to make her happy, because that's no fun for me. So I played with other people. And it was great.

********Note: Me and Celeste are still good friends. I still respect her, we just don't play sports together anymore. And I'm probably going to keep it that way.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little rant. Please comment your experiences with these kind of crazy competitive people down below. I would love to read them!

As always,

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Peace out, girl scouts!

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