So this is sort of a love and a hate rolled into one. I decided to call it a love because I haven't done a love in a while. But to talk about what I love I have to rexplain what I hate because the reason I love this is because I hate something else. You know?
Yeah anyways.
To understand this rant you'll have to take a look at the picture that will either be up there^ or over there> depending on how you are reading this. This picture of 'The Good News' newspaper was circulating around Instagram a little while ago, which was when I first saw it. It really got me thinking about how much negativity is represented in the media.
You know, I see that there are three types of people in the world: pessimists (glass half empty), optimists(glass half full) and realists (glass with water). I like to classify myself with the last group of people, which I feel like gets mistaken with the group of pessimists a lot of the time.
The point of this love is that: yes, there is a lot of bad things going on in the world, unfortunately. In fact, there is so much bad that it often overshadows the good. The reason I think this is? All of the good things in the world are often taken for granted.
You know, if a plane crashes, the entire world knows within seconds. But does anyone care that 50,000 planes landed safely? No, of course not, because that isn't considered 'interesting' to people. That news doesn't sell papers.
Same thing if some person gets killed or shot. Of course, that's a very unfortunate thing that we would never want to happen, but there are 7 billion people that continue to live! But do we ever get to hear about that? No!
If some person does something awful (school shooting, terrorist attack, etc.) they get tons of news coverage. But all those people doing good in the world, starting up charities, feeding the poor, volunteering, heck even just carrying someone's groceries to their car for them, do we ever hear about them? Very, very rarely!
Have you guys ever heard the song 'Ordinary Miracle' by Sarah McLachlan? Doesn't matter, I'll put it in the media so you can listen to it. Anyways, that's what I think about when it comes to people overlooking the little good things in life.
"The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night,
Its just another ordinary miracle today"
So the love part of this rant is saying that I love little things like this song and the picture that are gentle reminders to people that life is full of little good things that are often overlooked. If you can think of 3 bad things that went wrong with your day, I can guarentee that you can think of 9 good things that happened, you just have to think a little harder.
For some reason, it's easy for people to dwell on the bad things. Even people who call themselves optimists have those moments. I guess because those little good things we have happen every single day, and we become to accustomed to them that we forget they even happen. Bad things, however, are a lot more 'creative', I guess, and tend to change everyday so we notice them more. Unfortunate, but true.
I'm going to end this on a postitive note, since it is technically a love. Even though it may not seem that way, there is a lot of good in the world. You have to look a little harder for it, sure, but it's always there. The sunrise, someone holding open the door for you, your favourite food being sold in the cafeteria, your friend offering you their last bite of their cookie, random compliments... These are all good things that we often overlook to focus on the negative things. So stop! Stop focusing on the negative and you will be a much happier person.
I'm not saying everyone needs to suddenly turn into optimists because that would be really annoying, I'm just saying that even if you tend to always see the negative side of things you can take a moment to see the positive as well.
Have a great day, everyone!
xoxo Emmalynn
A Loser's Thoughts on Life
Literatura Faktu//Highest Ranking: Number 45 in Non-Fiction// Hate is a strong word. I know that, that's why I use it. If you've ever been annoyed by stereotypes, character names, or just people in general, you have come to the right place: a collection of rants wh...