"Merry Christmas!"

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You know what I was thinking about the other day?


Holidays are so great. The best part for me? No school!!!!!

I mean, uh, spending time with my friends and family is my main priority and not having school is just a minor bonus in the long run.

But I was just wondering, why do we feel the need to set aside random days for things we should be doing all the time anyway? Take Father's Day for example. Or Mother's Day. I just picked Father's day because it's happening this Sunday. What makes the second sunday of June Father's Day? Is there a reason we picked that particular day?

Then there's the issue of the fact that we should be celebrating and appreciating our parents everyday, not just on Mother's Day and Father's Day. Has it really come to the point that we have to have a special day set aside to remind ourselves of all the great things our parents do for us?

Another thing I went to mention: Christmas. If you ask people what their favourite part of Christmas is, 99% of people [well, 99% of people who don't say presents or food] will say that their favourite part is spending time with family. Why can't we have our family over on any random day? Why is it that the only time we get together as a family is when we have a holiday like Christmas?

Again, I have nothing against holidays. They are great times of celebration and food and family, I just don't understand why we have to have a special day to do all the things I mentioned above. Wouldn't life be better if we treated everyday like a holiday?

I know what people are going to say. If we treat every day as a holiday, then holidays won't seem special anymore.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is just enjoy everyday, and be nice to your parents and eat good food and celebrate life. Because life is too short to not have fun!

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