People who hold grudges

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It is completely impossible for me to hold a grudge. Even when I try to, I still end up forgiving the person the next day. I just can't do it! I have to move on.

Now, of course, I can only forgive someone once they have apologized. Depending on the situation/argument, sometimes both me and the other person need to apologize to each other, sometimes just me, sometimes just the other person. But I can't forgive someone until they apologize.

Some people, no matter what I do, bake them cookies (actually I hate baking so that probably wouldn't happen but whatever) buy them ice cream, help with their homework... Along with apologizing of course, still won't forgive me for something so minor!

Sometimes I've had people get angry at me and not even tell me what I did wrong! How can I apologize and promise not to do it again when I don't even know what I did in the first place...?

Basically, I understand why you would continue to be angry at someone if they didn't apologize to you, but once they say sorry... you should forgive them.


I'm not joking.

Unless it was something truly horrible like they killed you or something... In which case, you can laugh at them from Heaven when they enter hell.

Anyways, forgiving someone means you are moving on, moving forward, in the right direction.

Holding a grudge means you are standing still, or even starting to slide backwards. And nobody wants that!

So yes. Don't hold grudges for no reason.

xoxo Emmalynn

P.S. Please check out my hunger games fan fiction if you haven't already-> In This Together <-

I've entered in the Watty Awards and would really appreciate any support!

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