"Wattpaders be like..." Part 2

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"Wow! That is such a cool idea. I want to use that in my story too. But then I'd have to give credits and ask for permission and stuff....nah I'll just steal it and say it's mine" #plagiarism

"Today... my dog died. And my fish. And my panda AND my koala. I can't stop crying. Vote for all my chapters and the maybe I'll be happy again :(" *clicks update status*

"Only 1000000000000 views?!?!? I'm soooo disappointed,"

Submitted by 2cutecavvy

"What's spellcheck?"

"Come check out my story!" *posts message on random people's message boards*


"types sentences with no periods or capitals and you have no idea where the story begins or ends and it just goes on for pages and pages like this and there is no spacing or paragraphs and no one knows what they are reading and everyone is so confused but them wattpaders just keep doing it*

"I'm bored" *posts on random person's message board*

Submitted by the_purple_boss

*doesn't update story for 10 months*

"Hey guys, I need character name ideas! Please comment some!" *gets 100 comments with name ideas* "I DONT LIKE ANY OF THEM WHY DONT YOU HAVE ANY GOOD IDEAS?!?"

Submitted by the_purple_boss

"Wow! This story looks like it was written by a three year old and never edited! I'm going to comment a bunch of nice things on this story and completely ignore all the stories that actually use the English language properly!"

"I'm gonna comment a bunch of mean stuff on this person's story to make them feel bad!"

"I hate this graphic you made me! I demand you re-make it!"

"Even though you just spent three hours making me this cover, I'm just gonna steal it and not complete payment because you are my slave."

"Punctuation? What's that?"

"Grammar? What's that?"

"There's a way to properly spell words?"

*advertises their story in someone else's comment section*

*tells sob story about life that no one cares about*

*threatens to leave Wattpad if they don't get a certain number of votes*

*uses creepy smiley/winky emoji* You look lost, how about you follow me?

This has been my second addition of: "Wattpaders be like..."!!!!! I hope you enjoyed, and big thanks goes out to everyone who submitted something! My next update will be a normal rant :)

Feel free to comment ideas for my next "Wattpaders be like..."

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