"money money moneyyyy"

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Where does money go?


K true.

But honestly, there are a lot of things that annoy me about money. Let's rant about them!


When people borrow money and they don't pay you back. I think my friend 'Purple' knows exactlyyyy what I'm talking about right now, because she is such a generous person and she is always loaning money to people. People need to understand that I am NOT a bank machine! I might need the money to buy lunch or something, and then you don'y pay me back, and I have to starve? 

So not impressed. I let you borrow money for whatever reason, so I'm doing you a favour, and you have the nerve not to pay me back? That is so disrespectful and rude. Please, just, no.

It's alright if you forget one day, but I shouldn't have to wait three months for you to pay me back.



The cost of stuff. I remember the days when it was easy to find a shirt for $10 or less. There always have and always will be expensive designer brands, but these days I feel like all stores are getting more expensive! Even Dollarama stuff costs more than $1, since a lot of their new inventory is $1.25-$3.


I babysit for a living. (Well, my parents pay for my food and stuff but you know what I mean) and I ain't got money to buy stuff in this expensive world. Look up the monthly phone bill for an iPhone 5s. See what I mean?


The way people act about it. There are people starving, and kids around my school are flashing their $100+ uggs and iphones. Why are there some people that are so poor and are living without the basic neccessities of life while others are too busy bragging to give them a second look? People who brag about their money are sick. I understand that there are always going to be rich people in the world and poor people, and that's okay. (i guess) because people who are better off typically work hard to get where they are. Just don't brag about, please. It's rude and nobody will be impressed. Trust me.

You know what? We should get rid of money and just trade, like we used to. I can see myself walking up to the starbucks person and being like, "here's a moldy sandwich, I'll trade this for a frappuchino and a cookie plz"

Who wouldn't want to live in a world like that?

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