"oops I broke my leg"

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Okay, so maybe the title of this chapter is a bit of an exaggeration. But that's okay.

What am I going to be ranting about, you ask?

People who fake injuries or illness to get out of things they don't want to do.

Ah, my favourite type of people. NOT.

Let's put this into perspective. Say that you were in gym class, and today you find out that you have to run a mile.

Would you:

A. Suck it up and run

B. Ask the gym teacher if you can sit it out today because you are tired, and when she/he says no you run it anyway

C. Say that you hurt your ankle or your stomach is upset, giving your teacher no choice but to let you sit out.

The people I am ranting about today are the ones who choose Option C.

There are quite a few reasons why these kind of people annoy me. First of all, everyone else has to run, so why are you so special that you think you don't have to? Secondly, by saying you are sick or injured when you aren't is a lie. LYING IS WRONG. Finally, you can't just lie your way through life. Do you think that when you are older you can say to your boss that you can't turn in a report or attend a meeting on time because your ankle hurts? No, they aren't going to take that!

My point is, using illness or injury as an excuse isn't fair to the people who are actually sick or injured, the rest of the people around you who are still going to have to do the thing you are getting out of, and finally to yourself. You aren't helping yourself by missing tests or other activities simply because you don't want to do them. Like I said earlier, these excuses aren't going to apply later in life, so why should they apply now? Believe in yourself, know that you can run that mile or write that test, and even if you don't enjoy it now, it will pay off later.


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