Fake Friends

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Oh boy, this is going to be a rough rant. I can't believe I haven't talked about this before. Well, I've mentioned it before but it finally has a whole rant dedicated to itself! Nice.

Alrighty. So you got a friend! Good for you. And things are going great. And then suddenly... they aren't.

There are several types of fake friends.

TYPE A: The Bully

This type of friend is the one who makes fun of you or insults you but not in a teasing way: in a purposefully hurtful way. They constantly pick on you and lower your self-confidence, degrade you, exclude you, and all around bully you BUT when you try and confront them about it they're all like 'can't you take a joke' and 'i was just kidding' and 'we're friends right? So it's no big deal'.


Anyone who makes you feel any less than perfectly amazing is no friend to you. They are a FAKE FRIEND

TYPE B: The Backstabber

This type of friend seems all nice and sweet until they find out one of your secrets and use it against you or they get what they want. Maybe they ask really nicely to take a peek at your history assignment because they want to see if they are on the right track, and next thing you know they are handing it in as their own and YOU'RE the one that gets accused of cheating. Or maybe they find out you are deathly afraid of the dark and they spread it around to everyone that you still sleep with a nightlight. (Not that anyone would care.)

If anyone is going to stab you in the back, they are a FAKE FRIEND

TYPE C: The Users

Some of the worst kinds of friends. The people who will talk to you and be nice to you when they need something, sort of like the backstabbers but they never do anything that really stabs you in the back, but they will only talk to you or text you or whatever when they need something. They aren't a real friend, they are a FAKE FRIEND

TYPE D: The Only When it's Convenient

These people really annoy me. They only talk to you when they are alone and there no one else they know is around. They'll laugh and chat with you like everything is fine... until their other friends show up, and then they are gone. They might not even say hello when they are with their other friends, but again as soon as it's convenient for them they are back to acting like they are your best friends.

It's all or nothing. If it's only sometimes, they are a FAKE FRIEND

TYPE E: People who talk behind your back

Anyone who says stuff about you behind your back and don't tell you about it clearly are spreading rumours or have something to hide. They aren't worth your time, and they are FAKE FRIENDS.

Of course, no friend is perfect, and we all make mistakes. So if your friend has done one of these things, you can still be friends with them. You just might need to take a break for a bit or distance yourself from them for a little while. They can figure things out.

Please remember that you are all beautiful and deserve the bestest of friends! Anyone who treats you as anythig less are not worth your time! Don't sell yourself short.

Have a great day!

xoxo Emmalynn

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