Take the Video Down

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A few months had passed, yet people weren't forgetting about Kate's video. No matter what Nathan did he couldn't get Mr.Jefferson to take it down, and he had tried almost everything. He tried reporting the video, he tried taking it down from Mr.Jefferson's computer, but Mr.Jefferson raised the security because of the time he deleted the pictures of Lily. Nathan had tried to somehow take the video down from his computer but he couldn't. Though Nathan had come up with another plan.

Nathan was going to tell Mr.Jefferson to take the video down or he would break one of the expensive cameras in TDR. Nathan was pretty sure this would work because Mr.Jefferson cared very deeply about the cameras and other equipment in TDR, and Kate's video didn't affect him that much anyway.

If Nathan's plan didn't work he would just come up with another plan. Nathan wasn't giving up until that video was taken down. The main reason that Nathan was so determined to get the video taken down, other than the obvious reasons, was because it was his fault. Nathan had gotten Kate into this mess and he needed to get her out. Kate was being bullied, Nathan couldn't just stand there and watch.

That day when Nathan got to TDR Nathan put his plan into action. He picked up the camera and started asking Mr.Jefferson questions about it. At first, they were questions Nathan didn't care to know the answer to, such as what lens was on the camera or when Mr.Jefferson got it. Nathan had known he had picked the right one because when he asked: "So is this one of your favourite cameras in here?". Mr.Jefferson responded with: "Ya, that one is probably my favourite camera I've ever owned.".

Nathan proceeded to ask the final question: "How much is it, like 5 thousand dollars?" Nathan actually thought it was closer to 10 thousand, but he wanted to hear Mr.Jefferson tell him that. "More like 20 thousand." Mr.Jefferson said.

It was time, Nathan was going to get that video taken down. "Will you take Kate's video down." Nathan said, less of a question, more of a demand. Though Mr.Jefferson didn't seem to realize what Nathan was doing because he just said: "Nathan I have told you countless times the answer is no, now stop asking me.". Nathan tried again.

"Would you take Kate's video down if this camera's life depended on it?" Nathan asked, and almost laughed as he saw Mr.Jefferson's eyes widen. Nathan had never felt like he had this much power over Mr.Jefferson. For the first time in a while Nathan felt free of Mr.Jefferson's demands. Though of course that only lasted a few seconds because Mr.Jefferson replied with: "Nathan, if you break that camera you really won't like what comes next.". Nathan had figured that Mr.Jefferson was just going to hit him with the tripod a few times and then tell his dad what he had done, so he continued to threaten Mr.Jefferson. "The camera doesn't need to break, just take the video down. Taking the video down won't even affect you."

"Nathan when I do something I have full intentions on keeping it that way, I'm not backing down. Now put the camera down gently, and all will be forgotten."

"So you're not going to take the video down?" Nathan said, ready to throw the camera to the ground. "No." Mr.Jefferson replied.

"Ok." Nathan said, and threw the camera to the ground, then proceeded to jump on it repeatedly until the camera was just parts. "Nathan!" Mr.Jefferson yelled.

"You didn't take the video down, that's what happened."

"That's not all that will happen. I think you forgot, I know how to hurt you. You thought I was just going to hit you a few times and tell your dad about this, but that's where you're wrong. I will be telling your dad about this, so he can also punish you how he sees fit, but I have something worse than a tripod for you.". Nathan was worried now, he had kinda thought that Mr.Jefferson would just yell at him and tell his dad. Though Nathan realized whatever he thought Mr.Jefferson was going to do he was wrong.

"I was going to hold off on this a little longer, but you pissed me off Nathan. Rachel knows too much, she knows something is up and she isn't going to give up until she figures out what is going on, and it can get worse if she gets the police involved. We're going to drug Rachel."

"Mr.Jefferson, I'm sorry. I promise to never break anything in here again."

"Oh I know you will never break anything in here again, or I'll just hurt someone else, but we are still drugging Rachel. You have no say in what happens, and it is happening. Maybe next time don't break a 20 thousand dollar camera."

Nathan didn't know what to say, he knew that like Kate, no matter what he said it was still going to happen. He had worked so hard to keep Rachel safe, and now she was going to get hurt because of something he did. "Please." was all Nathan said.

"You knew what you did was wrong, but you still did it. This is the consequence."

"So punish me not Rachel, she didn't break your camera I did."

"I am punishing you, I know this will hurt you, and I had to do something about Rachel sooner or later, she knows too much."

Nathan went back to his dorm that night feeling terrible, he couldn't believe that another person was going to get hurt. Not only would he be involved but this time it would be his fault. 

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