The Doctor's appointment

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 The next morning Nathan woke up and got ready, he had his doctor's appointment today, but it would only be in the morning. Nathan was pretty sure his dad would just drop him off at school in the afternoon, and he would go to TDR with Mr.Jefferson after school like usual.

Nathan wasn't sure if his dad told Mr.Jefferson about the doctor's appointment, and about that day Mrs.Jones called him. Nathan hoped he didn't, since it wasn't really Mr.Jefferson's business.

Nathan went downstairs to see his dad who was about to leave, "Where are you going?" Nathan asked, looking at the clock wondering if they were running late for his appointment. "To work." Nathan's dad said like it was obvious.

"What about my doctor's appointment?" Nathan asked.

"Shit." his dad responded.

Nathan was used to his dad forgetting about him, a few years ago on Nathan's birthday he didn't see his dad until 11 pm. He stayed up until his dad got home from work, when his dad saw he was still awake he got mad, and asked him why he hadn't gone to bed. "It's my birthday, I wanted to see you.". Nathan had replied. His dad laughed and said: "Haha very funny your birthday is tomorrow."

Nathan replied with "No it's today, August 29th remember?"

"It's not August 30th?" His dad asked.

"No." Nathan had replied and gone up to his room. His dad never even came to apologize.

Even though Nathan was used to his dad forgetting about him, he had expected him to remember his doctor's appointment. "One sec let me just call work and tell them I won't be there until the afternoon.". Nathan ate breakfast, and they drove to the doctor's office.

Nathan was kinda nervous, though he didn't think his dad would care if he told him. Once they got there they went into the doctor's office, and up to the front desk "Hi I have an appointment for Nathan Prescott."

"For what time?" The lady asked.

"Right now.". The lady looked at her computer and then said:

"You can go take a seat, and the doctor will be with you in 5 minutes." Nathan could tell his dad wanted to argue, but then must have realized it would only annoy the lady.

Ten minutes later Nathan heard "Nathan Prescott we're ready for you.". Nathan got up, but his dad didn't, he was responding to emails on his phone. Nathan could tell he had no intention of joining Nathan, and would probably make fun of him if he asked him to join him. Nathan walked in alone.

Once they were in one of the rooms the doctor said: "Hello Nathan, I'm Dr.Jacoby."


"So what are you seeing me for today?"

"A few weeks ago I was watching the news and the newscaster said my name, and started talking to me. I told a friend about this and she told me to go talk to the guidance counsellor. I talked to her, and told her about the news and she thought I might have schizophrenia, she said something about a psychosis being a symptom for it I think. Then she said she wasn't a doctor so she couldn't diagnose me with anything."

"Ok." Dr.Jacoby said, and then asked Nathan a few more questions.

Once Dr.Jacoby was done asking Nathan questions she said: "Your guidance counsellor was right, you do show symptoms of schizophrenia. From what I'm hearing I don't think you are a danger to yourself or others, so I'm going to let you go now. I do want to keep seeing you regularly just to make sure things don't get worse. I would also like to talk about this with your father to see if we can get you on some medication.".

Nathan left the room, and Dr.Jacoby pulled his dad into the room to talk to him. Ten minutes later Nathan's dad walked out of the room holding a bottle of pills, and looking annoyed. On the bright side, I didn't hear any yelling Nathan thought to himself. Then they booked another appointment with the lady at the front desk, which was in 2 months.

It was a silent car ride to school. Once Nathan got there, there was only 5 minutes until lunch so he decided he would just go to the cafeteria. On his way, he saw Mrs.Jones, "Hi Nathan."


"Was your doctor's appointment today?" She asked, but Nathan could tell she already knew the answer. "Yes." Nathan said anyway.

"What happened?"

"The doctor diagnosed me with schizophrenia, you were right. We have another appointment in 2 months to make sure things don't get worse."

"That's good, how did your dad react?". Nathan trusted Mrs.Jones but he didn't feel like telling her about how his dad seemed annoyed, or how he forgot about the appointment. He felt like that would just lead to Nathan telling her everything about his dad. "He was fine." Nathan said but he could tell Mrs.Jones could tell he was lying.

Once Nathan got to the cafeteria he saw Rachel, she asked him about what happened at the doctor's office as well, and he told her that he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Nathan hadn't told anyone else about the news station or his doctor's appointment, because he didn't think it was their business, and he didn't want more people to be worried about him when they should really be worried about Mr.Jefferson. 

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