Looking for Answers

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I'm sorry I have done a terrible job of representing the seasons, it is Spring when these past few chapters have been taking place. Enjoy the chapter.

Chloe and Rachel were determined to find out what the fight was about. Rachel thought it would help with their evidence board. For the time being, they put on their evidence board Mr.Jefferson and Frank used to be friends.

"Chloe I have a plan, on Monday I have photography, I can bring up Frank and maybe ask him questions about him and see what Mr.Jefferson says and if something goes wrong or he doesn't let me leave you to know where I'll be. Also, he has to have the private lesson with Kate so he won't be able to keep me there too long."

"That's a good plan Rachel, but be careful if Frank got mad Mr.Jefferson might get mad as well."

"You're right I'll be careful."

"I'll be hiding in the bush in case anything happens, and after that, we will spy on Mr.Jefferson and Kate."

That night Rachel went home and went over everything she was going to say, she thought about where she would stand in the classroom and how she would escape if needed. She had 2 plans she would either stand by the window and escape through the window if needed, or she would stand by the door and run out that way if needed. Rachel liked the plan of standing by the door better, she could get out easier and she could alert more people if she needed to.

The next morning Rachel woke up, got ready and went to school. She and Chloe had planned for Rachel to talk to Mr.Jefferson after class. Luckily she had class last period so Chloe would be there if anything went wrong. All-day Rachel started to get more and more nervous, Chloe was right Frank got mad, and Rachel had been prepared to push way more then she had, if Frank got mad what was Mr.Jefferson going to do. At lunch Rachel texted Chloe, When I ask Mr.Jefferson about Frank, record it, so we know exactly what he says and if anything happens.

While Chloe was eating lunch she got a text from Rachel that said: When I ask Mr.Jefferson about Frank, record it, so we know exactly what he says and if anything happens. Chloe could tell Rachel was nervous, she was so confident last time she talked to her. Chloe texted back Rachel if you're nervous you don't have to do this, if you don't feel comfortable doing it don't do it, your safety is the most important thing. Chloe knew Rachel, she knew Rachel was going to do it anyway, once Rachel was committed to something she was going to do it. Chloe just had to make sure she was there in case anything happens. Then Chloe got a text from Rachel saying No, I'm doing this. Chloe wasn't surprised. Chloe had wanted to text back Rachel if anything happens I'm coming in through the window to protect you but didn't. She knew that would be blowing her and Rachel's cover and they couldn't let that happen.

Rachel was nervous, it wasn't that she didn't want to do it, but she also didn't not want to do it, she felt like she needed to do it for Kate, and potentially her. If she didn't do it Rachel would spend the rest of her life wondering what if. She was going to do it.

After photography class ended Rachel waited until everyone else left, she saw Mr.Jefferson walk toward the security camera, as he was about to turn it off Rache said: "Mr.Jefferson." Mr.Jefferson jumped.

"Rachel, I didn't know you were still here."

"What are you doing?" Rachel said pointing at the security camera.

"Oh, nothing I was just.... Making sure it works, it does."

"Ok, I wanted to ask you something, I was curious about what you did before you came to Blackwell so I googled you." Rachel was nervous she shouldn't have said that she didn't want to tip him off that she was on to him. "I saw this thing that said you were friends with a guy named Frank Bowers." Rachel saw Mr.Jefferson flinch.

"You know Rachel I have to help a student with something so maybe we could talk about this tomorrow."

"What student, I don't see anyone else here."

"It's Kate Marsh and she will be here any minute so you should probably go."

"Well, she's not here yet, so until she comes can you tell me about Frank Bowers?"

"Why are you so interested in my friend Frank?"

"It seems like you're trying to change the subject Mr.Jefferson. Tell me about you and your friend Frank." Mr.Jefferson was silent, just as he was about to say something Kate came in.

"Kate," Mr.Jefferson said, sounding relieved to stop talking to Rachel. Kate looked at Mr.Jefferson and Rachel and said: "Sorry should I give you two a minute?"

"No, not at all, Rachel and I were done talking, you can come in."

"I'll come back tomorrow." Rachel said more as a threat

"Really it's fine if you're not done I can wait outside," Kate said and walked back outside.

"Anyway Frank, how come you don't want to talk about him?"

"Rachel, I think it's time you leave," Mr.Jefferson said more persistently. Rachel got a little nervous because she wasn't sure what Mr.Jefferson was like mad. Rachel had 2 plans, the first one was to just leave, but if she did that it would be even harder to get answers. Her other plan was to be more persistent than him, she wasn't sure how it would end but she decided to do it anyway.

"Mr.Jefferson one time in class you said we could ask you anything about yourself and you would be happy to answer, you said it makes you so happy when students take an interest in your personal life and now you're shooting me down, why is that?"

"Rachel Frank was just an old friend, we got into a fight and now we don't talk."

"What did you fight about."

"Oh, something dumb."

"What was it then."

"Rachel when I said I like it when students take an interest in my personal life I ment-"

"The good stuff," Rachel interrupted, "the things you don't mind the school board knowing, the things you want the school board to know. I've got this feeling you don't want the school board to know about Frank. I've got the feeling there are a lot of things you don't want the school board to know." Rachel and Mr.Jefferson both knew the security camera was on, they both knew there was nothing Mr.Jefferson could do to hurt her. "Look Rachel, Frank and I were just old friends that's all there is to it, now if you'll excuse me Kate is waiting."

Rachel knew she wasn't going to get anything more and left the class. She ran as fast as she could to the window, when she got there Chloe said "He just told Kate to wait outside and then he deleted the camera footage and turned the camera off.

"I thought only principal Wells had access to the camera footage." Rachel said, "Mr.Jefferson has it on his computer somehow." Chloe replied.

Rachel felt really bad for Kate because for the rest of his photography session with Kate he was mad, and he took it all out on Kate. Rachel could tell she wanted to ask why he was mad but was too scared to ask.

I usually try and update every other day, though this week I have a lot of school work to do, I probably won't update this again until Friday. I hope you are enjoying this so far, thanks for reading. 

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