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 The next day Chloe couldn't convince her mom to let her visit Rachel instead of going to school. "You can visit Rachel after school Chloe," Joyce said. "And don't even think about ditching school to see Rachel." Chloe was thinking about it but when she saw the look her mom gave her she decided against it. "Oh, and David is taking you to school again," Joyce said, Chloe rolled her eyes.

The car ride to school was silent but Chloe would much rather that then David telling her how she is always misbehaving and how it is very important that she respects him. When Chloe walked into school she headed to her homeroom, Chloe wasn't early or late. She walked into her homeroom class, and everyone was doing homework that was due that day or drawing dicks on the whiteboard.

Chloe knew her homeroom teacher, they had a hate-hate relationship. Their hate-hate relationship began when Max was trying to think of a dare Chloe wouldn't do. One day Max confidently said, "Chloe I have a dare for you and there is no way you will do it." Chloe looked at Max giving her an I will do anything look. "I dare you to go pull down Mrs.Shirley's skirt and tell her you think she looks bad in it." Chloe considered not doing it but couldn't let Max win, so in the middle of the packed hallway Chloe did it, and oh was she in a world of trouble. Chloe was actually surprised she didn't get expelled. Ever since that day Mrs.Shirley had been brutally mean to her, she slapped Chloe leaving a mark for 2 weeks.

Chloe really wanted her phone back just so she could text Max Mrs.Shirley is my homeroom teacher, and yes I'm sure she still hates me. Chole decided to catch up on all the gossip, she knew exactly who would tell her, her name was Maya and if you wanted somebody to know something tell her because she would tell the whole school about it. She couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it, even though Maya didn't particularly like Chloe because of the time Chloe put Maya's name on Chloe's homework and did almost every question wrong, while Chloe put her name on Maya's homework when she wasn't looking. Chloe still wasn't sure how she found out about it because she made her handwriting pretty much identical to Maya's. That was also another dare Max didn't think Chloe would do, but it was ok because Maya would gossip to anyone.

"Hi Maya," Chloe said

"What do you want Chloe."

"I was just wondering what has happened since I left." Chloe knew whatever Maya told her would be exaggerated as Maya was very dramatic. "I guess I'll tell you since you must know everybody's business." Chloe wasn't sure how that was fair because if Maya was telling her about everybody's business, then Maya also had to know everybody's business. "Basically Charlie's parents got divorced and her mom died and they lost their house and are living in a hotel. John made Tim do his homework for half a year before he got caught and got suspended. Abbey has tried to kill herself 5 times and either a teacher or I have stopped her, and everyone else's lives have been way less eventful." Chloe didn't expect that she thought the biggest thing that would have happened was someone shoplifted or something like that.

"So how has your life been recently Chloe?" Maya asked,

"A shit show" Chloe responded not wanting Maya to tell everyone how her dad died and Max leaving, she knew Maya's game. "Want to talk about it?"

"No" Chloe replied. Chloe wasn't sure what to do so she went to draw on the board with John and Lily, then Chloe knew she would get in hella trouble from Mrs.Shirley if she did, and just went to sit down.

When Mrs.Shirley walked in she looked at the board and then looked at Chloe and said: "Chloe, I'm sure you're responsible for this, all of it.". Off to a great start, Chloe thought. "I'm not responsible for that" Chloe said frustrated on how Mrs.Shirley just blamed her. "Chloe why is it that you are already causing trouble?"

"I'm not, I didn't draw on the board and the whole class can attest to that." The whole class nodded. Mrs.Shirley looked angry like she wanted to get Chloe in trouble and Chloe was pretty sure she did.

Mrs.Shirley dismissed homeroom and Chloe had science first period which was one good thing. As Chloe was leaving for science Mrs.Shirley said "Chloe could you come here a second?"

"Yes," Chloe said.

"I didn't like your behaviour even if it wasn't you who drew on the board you must still respect me."

"Then you should give me the benefit of the doubt, that maybe I didn't do what you wrongly accused me of."

"Chloe fucking Price don't talk back to me"

"Then don't accuse me of things I didn't do," Chloe said walking out. "Chloe don't you leave this room." but Chloe had already left.

Science was easy and Chloe had gotten everything right in her homework which made Mrs.Derman very happy. Though Chloe was pretty sure Mrs.Derman would have been happy if they were all wrong, Chloe didn't think Mrs.Derman was actually expecting her to do her homework. The rest of the day went by so slowly, Chloe thought of Rachel and how she would rather be with her then at school. After the last period was homeroom for 15 minutes which Chloe knew would be a shit show.

Chloe sat in the back of the class trying to make herself invisible when Mrs.Shirley told Chloe that she has to sit in the front and something about her seating chart. Then Mrs.Shirley wrote the homework on the board and yelled at Chloe when she didn't copy it down. After that was a fun talk about behaviour until the class was finally allowed to leave.

Just as Chloe was leaving Mrs.Shirley said to her "I wish Max had come back instead of you, she was way better behaved and wasn't a piece of shit."

"I wish she had to, did you know Max left me right after my father died?! With fucking nobody, my father leaves and then Max leaves, ya I wish she was back too" Chloe was holding back tears, she was not going to cry in front of Mrs.Shirley. Mrs.Shirley looked like she didn't even care about what Chloe had just said and Chloe sure Mrs.Shirley had a sole "Maybe she left because she was tired of you.". Yep Mrs.Shirley had no sole

"Maybe she left because she was tired of you," Chloe said and walked out, she was done with Mrs.Shirley.

I know I haven't been updating this as often as I usually do, my school had just came back from winter break this week and I have to study for exams, I'm loving writing this and I will continue updating it just not every day, also sorry if there is some bad grammar or spelling. Even though I won't update this every day I will definitely update it a few times a week, I hope you're enjoying reading it.

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