Breaking In

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The next morning Rachel woke up still feeling guilty about not telling Chloe she went to talk to Frank without her. Chloe had cared so much for her and did everything to help her get evidence about Mr.Jefferson, and now it felt like she was betraying her, but at the same time, it felt like something she didn't want to tell Chloe. She decided she would keep it a secret.

Rachel's day at school was pretty chill, she didn't have photography and didn't see Mr.Jefferson at all.

She went to Chloe's house after school, when they were in Chloe's room Chloe asked: "So do you still want to look through Mr.Jefferson's classroom?"

"Oh," Rachel paused "ya I totally forgot about that, ya we should do that."

"Rachel are you ok, you seem off today."

"Ya, I'm fine. How should we do it?"

Chloe and Rachel came up with a plan, after school Chloe would go to Mr.Jefferson's classroom window and make sure it was unlocked, she would make it so Mr.Jefferson thought it was locked. Since Rachel had photography that day she would leave something at the back of the classroom near the security camera. After school, Chloe and Rachel would go hang out in the junkyard for a few hours, then go back to Blackwell. Then Rachel would knock on the front door of the school, if someone answered she would say she forgot something in the classroom and beg to go get it. If nobody answered then she would go meet Chloe at the classroom window and sneak in that way.

The next day Rachel woke up and texted Chloe for confirmation of their plan. Rachel went to school and in photography class, she was sure to sit in the back of the class, thankfully Mr.Jefferson didn't ask her to sit near the front. Rachel had decided she would leave Rose's old phone so that way it would be convincing that she needed it back that night. She put it on the table under the security camera, that way it looked like it got taken away and nobody would steal it.

Once school was over for Chloe she went to Mr.Jefferson's classroom window and unlocked it, she made sure it looked locked so Mr.Jefferson wouldn't suspect anything.

Chloe went and waited in her truck until Rachel came, Chloe drove to the Junkyard and they hung out there for 3 hours. Their plan was Chloe would sneak to Mr.Jefferson's classroom window, because if anyone saw Chloe they would be busted immediately, and Rachel would knock on the front door to see if anyone was there.

Three hours later Chloe drove her and Rachel back to Blackwell, Chloe didn't park far in case they needed to make a quick escape but didn't park anywhere where anyone would see her truck. Chloe snuck to Mr.Jefferson's classroom, once she was there Rachel started to knock on the front door. "Hello, is anyone there? I forgot my phone, I need to get it. Hello." Then Rachel said it a little louder "Is anybody in there! I need to get my phone!". Rachel waited a little bit to make sure nobody came to the door, and when nobody did she went to meet Chloe at Mr.Jefferson's classroom window.

Rachel went into the classroom first and pretended to get the phone, and unplugged the security camera, she went to go delete the footage of her walking in off the security camera.

Chloe started looking in drawers while Rachel looked around the classroom. "A yearbook," Chloe said, picking it up. Chloe and Rachel started to look through it, "Oh my god Rachel look that's Frank, I didn't know he went to Blackwell."

"Ya neither did I." Rachel lied.

"Look and that's Mr.Jefferson."

"Wait he went to school here too, that's crazy. This is when they must have become friends.".

Rachel continued to look through the yearbook while Chloe looked through more drawers. Chloe tried to open the bottom drawer but it was locked, "I got this." Chloe said, pulling a bobby pin out of her back pocket. "Why do you have a bobby pin in your pocket?" Rachel asked confused.

"In case something was locked." Chloe replied and unlocked the drawer. "Got it.". When Chloe opened the drawer it was all pictures of Rachel and Kate, Chloe took her phone out and started taking pictures of it. "Look, some of those are screenshots from the security camera." Rachel said. Rachel turned on the computer and looked through saved videos of the security camera. "Look they're all of me or Kate."

"Ok Rachel this has gone too far we have to tell someone."

"We can't, not yet."

"Rachel we have enough evidence."

"No we need more, we need more than enough evidence. We need to find out what Frank and Mr.Jefferson fought about." Rachel argued

"And the police can help us with that."

"No, there is no way Frank or Mr.Jefferson will tell the police, the only way to find out is to keep gathering evidence."

"Ok Rachel, but please be safe when you're near him."

"I will Chloe, I love you."

"I love you too Rachel."

Chloe and Rachel didn't really find anything else, they left the phone there so it didn't look like someone broke in, Chloe also managed to re-lock the drawer. The only thing was they couldn't turn the security camera back on without one of them being in it so they had to leave it unplugged. 

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