The Perfect Summer

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 It was finally summer break, and Rachel and Chloe had no plans. Rachel was surprised when she found out there would be no photography camp thing, it wasn't like she enjoyed it last summer, but she knew there was a reason for it. That led Rachel to wonder if it was a good thing that there was no photography camp, because if there is no photography camp then what is Mr.Jefferson doing all summer.

Rachel decided she would call Nathan and ask.

"Hi, Nathan."

"Hi, are you ok, you sound worried?"

"I'm fine, I was just wondering, is it a bad thing that the photography camp thing isn't happening again?"

"I'm not really sure, I don't know what he is planning on doing this summer. Just keep your guard up Rachel, and don't go anywhere alone. Also what happened at the Vortex Club party."

"Nothing much, why?"

"Because Mr.Jefferson has a whole new hatred for Chloe."

"What?" Rachel said, of all the things for Nathan to say she had not expected that. Rachel thought back to the Vortex Club party, Chloe hadn't really done anything, she hung out with Kate and Rachel but that was it. "He said she is getting in the way.". Rachel continued to think about what Chloe had done, maybe Mr.Jefferson was just mad that Chloe wouldn't leave Kate's side. Maybe Mr.Jefferson was planning to do something but he couldn't since Chloe was there. "I mean she was always around, she didn't leave Kate alone, and the only time I wasn't with her was when I went to get a drink."

"Shit, um I have to go."

"Wait why? Nathan what happened?". Nathan didn't say anything he just hung up the phone.

Rachel didn't know why Nathan hung up on her, but she knew the timing couldn't be a coincidence. Whatever she said about Chloe not leaving her and Kate alone at the party triggered something in his head. That made Rachel curious, what was going on with Nathan and Mr.Jefferson in this abandoned barn?

Either then dwelling on that question the whole summer Rachel had a pretty good summer. About two weeks into the summer, Rachel was hanging out at Chloe's house, when David decided to make it known for about the 100th time he did not like the blue streak in Chloe's hair. In retaliation, Chloe died her whole head blue, which Rachel loved. Joyce also really liked it. It really suited her, and Rachel could no longer picture Chloe without her blue hair.

For the rest of the summer, they went to the beach, and the Two Whales diner a bunch. It felt so nice having a summer where for the most part Rachel didn't have to worry about Mr.Jefferson, whatever TDR was, school work or Nathan and whatever is going on with him. Which thinking back on she hadn't seen or talked to Nathan the whole summer. Though Rachel decided not to dwell on it too much, Nathan could take care of himself. Rachel could just relax and spend the summer with Chloe, her girlfriend who she loved so much.

For Rachel's birthday, she opened the 2 presents her parents had gotten her, and then went to the Junkyard with Chloe. Chloe led Rachel over to the old school bus, which Rachel was surprised, because they hadn't often paid much attention to it. Inside the school bus was the best possible gift Chloe could get her, Rachel was pretty sure that every single picture Chloe had of her was there. The walls of the bus were covered in pictures. All the garbage and most of the bus seats were moved out of the school bus, leaving 2 seats for Chloe and Rachel to sit on. There were pictures of all the plays Rachel had been in, including the Tempest which she had forced Chloe into. A bunch of pictures of her and Chloe, and a bunch of pictures of just Rachel. Some of which Rachel hadn't even known existed. "Chloe, it's perfect." Rachel said. The rest of her birthday was just as good, inside the little hut in the junkyard they had written Chloe was here and Rachel was here.

Rachel had also spent some time with Frank, she was getting to know him pretty well, sometimes she had forgotten the reason she hung out with him. She was still trying to figure out why that website The Dirt on Mark Jefferson said that Mr.Jefferson and Frank were close, and what happened with their falling out.

On the last day of summer, Chloe and Rachel were walking around Arcadia Bay when they walked by this photo booth. "Do you want to?" Rachel asked, gesturing at the photo booth. "Why not." Chloe responded. They went into the photo booth and took some pictures. When Rachel saw the photos, they were probably her favourite photos ever. Rachel put the photos as her contact photo for Chloe and they continued walking.

Rachel had remembered how last summer she was disappointed that she and Chloe spent their whole summer with the photography camp. She felt like she didn't really have a real summer, but this summer made up for it. It was the most perfect summer, and Rachel couldn't wait for the next one.

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