Fixing Bonds

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   (For some reason, it wouldn't let me put a picture at the top)

Later that night Chloe and Rachel were lying in Chloe's bed talking 2 hours after Joyce told them to go to bed. "You know, we don't deserve this, your dad is dead, now you have a terrible stepfather, and my dad is a complete asshole."

"You're right Rachel, your dad is an asshole for not making sure you're ok after running off at 3 am, but it's hurting you more than him. You think your dad is this amazing person who loves you and will say the right thing all the time, and he isn't, and it's hurting you. Rachel, your dad loves you, I know he does, but for some reason, he doesn't understand this. He's being an asshole about, it but I think he's doing it out of love. I lost my father and I'm watching you slowly lose yours, and I don't want that to happen to you."

"I don't want a father that hits me, and doesn't even call me to make sure I'm ok after running off at 3 am. If that's the person he is then I'm glad to lose him".

"What if something happened to him, what if tomorrow he gets hit by a car when you think of him, will you think of him as the man who hit you and didn't call to make sure you were ok, or would you think of him as the man who raised you, watched you on stage so many times, had a bandaid for you every time you scratched your knee, the man who knew all about your Harry Potter phase and probably bought you all the wands for every character?"

Rachel was silent, she thought about this, if her dad were dead she would probably remember him as the guy who bought her all the Harry Potter wands, the guy who was always there for her when she needed him. "Probably the second one." Rachel said. "Exactly, you still love your dad and he still loves you. Once he gets over all this, it will go back to the way things were, before" Chloe paused "before, I came around."

"Chloe this isn't your fault, I would have discovered my sexuality if I never met you."

"You're right, once your dad gets over this, and gets over himself things will go back to how they were before."

"How do I do that, I want things to go back to the way they were before now."

"I guess you could talk to him but knowing your dad you will have to do a lot of talking and a lot of convincing because your dad doesn't admit when he's wrong."

"You're right, tomorrow I'm going to go home tomorrow and say, Dad, I don't know what's been up with you for the past month but I don't like it. Then I'll remind him of how he would watch my plays and play with me in the park, and then hopefully things will be back to how they were before. Will you come with me?"

"Of course," Chloe said

The next day Chloe and Rachel woke up, ate breakfast and went to Rachel's house. On the way, Rachel said "I don't know why I'm nervous, it's going to be fine, what's the worst that can happen?" quickly after that Rachel said, "Don't answer that.". After a few more minutes of walking, they were in the same place, by the same lamp post that they had their first kiss. Chloe looked at Rachel "Want to do it again?" Chloe asked, Rachel didn't respond, she pressed her lips against Chloe's. Chloe wrapped her arms against Rachel, Rachel twisted the blue piece in Chloe's hair around her finger. Once they pulled away Rachel said, "I love you."

"Right back at ya sexy girl" Chloe responded and Rachel laughed.

When Chloe and Rachel walked into Rachel's house James was eating breakfast and Rose was folding James's laundry. "Dad I need to talk to you." Rachel said.

"I'm going to put away this laundry," Rose said leaving the room very quickly.

"Rachel you're back," James said

"Ya I noticed you didn't care enough to see if I was ok."

"I knew you were fine, Rose told me."

"What about before Rose found me, how did you know I was fine then?"

"Because I did."

"Great answer." Rachel said rolling her eyes

"Look dad I didn't come back to fight with you I ca-"

"Yet you are fighting with me." James interrupted

"Can you just let me talk? You just interrupt me like what I have to say isn't important. What I came here to say was, I want my old dad back." Rachel could see that her dad was about to say something so she said "Let me talk. I want the dad that came to watch all my plays, the dad that always carried bandaids in his pocket just in case I got hurt, the dad that knew everything about me. Remember for my birthday, I think I was 8 and you called it my birth week and every day that week you gave me a different Harry Potter wand, and then on the last day of the week, you told me there were more than 7 Harry Potter characters so you brought me into your office and every single character's wand was there on your desk. I want that dad back, not the one that hits me, that locks me in my room, the one that doesn't call to see if I'm ok when I run off at 3 am."

James was silent, at first, he looked mad but then his face changed to sorry. "I'm sorry Rachel, you're right. I have been a terrible father for the past while, but you have to understand so many things have changed in the past month. You finding out about your mother, Chloe becoming your" James paused and then forced out "girlfriend, and Rose is now mad at me."

"So whenever you are going through a hard time it's just ok to be a shit father, I don't think that's fair." Rachel said

"You're right Rachel it's not fair, and I'll try to change, it's the way my parents were to me, they always just stopped caring when they had hard times. They were never around, they missed half my birthday parties, they never actually met Sera, they only met Rose once, and I don't want to be like that. I'm going to try really hard."

Rachel wanted to say she didn't care how hard he tried, he should just do it, but she didn't want to push her luck so she said "Ok."

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