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The next day was the day the hospital said Rachel could walk again. Her dad and stepmom were there when Rachel tried to walk. "It hurts daddy"

"How much on a scale of 1 to 10?"

"7" Rachel said holding her cut which was starting to become a scar.

"I'll call the hospital." Said Rachel's stepmom. 5 minutes later she came back and said "It should only hurt like a 1 or 2, not a 7. They said we should bring her back to the hospital. "Can you text Chloe for me, I want her to come."

"Of course I can," Rachel's dad said.

Chloe was eating breakfast when she heard her phone go off in David's pocket. "Can you just check it for me? What if it's Max? Or what if something happened to Rachel she is supposed to start walking today."

"No, you lost your privileges," David said sternly.

"David just check it for her. If there is no emergency you don't have to tell her what it says or who it's from." Joyce said.

"Fine, what's your password?"

"Can mom do it?" Chloe asked. Joyce looked at David and he gave her Chloe's phone.

"It's from Rachel, she's in the hospital."

"I have to go," Chloe said looking at her mom because she knew David would say no.

"You can miss the morning of school. David, you can drive her and then make sure she is at school for the afternoon."

When Chloe got to the hospital David told her he would be back by 12 to pick her up. Chloe went straight for the front desk to find out what room Rachel was in. "302," the woman said when Chloe asked. When Chloe walked in Rachel's face lit up. "Chloe," she said. "Mom, dad can we have a minute alone?" Rachel asked and her parents left.

"Is this because you stood up last night?" Chloe asked. "Shit I'm the worst this is the second time you are in the hospital because of me."

"The first time wasn't your fault and this time was my fault, I was a jerk to you and I was the one who stood up, and they don't even know if that is the reason it hurts so much."

"Do you know you stood up?"

"Ya, I told them I wanted to get something and I had to stand up to reach it. How long are you staying, I know you have school today."

"My stepfuck is coming to pick me up at 12:00, and I got my phone taken away so I wouldn't rely on me getting your texts, I just barely got to read the one from this morning."

"Ok" Rachel said.

The two girls hung out in Rachel's hospital room talking, and watching movies on the tv. At 12:02 Chloe noticed the time "Shit I have to go, I'm so sorry Rachel I will try to come back later today." Chloe ran through the hospital and got to David at 12:03.

"You're 3 minutes late,"

"I'm sorry I lost track of time."

"Get in the car," David said.

During the ride to school, David tried to make small talk "So you nervous for your first day at your new school?"

"No, I've been there before."

"Ok well that's good you don't want to be nervous."

"Ya" After 10 minutes of small talk they were there. Chloe was getting out of the car when David said "Don't forget your backpack. Your mom put your lunch in there."

"Ok," Chloe said grabbing her backpack.

"I'll pick you up at the end of the day."

"Ok, bye," Chloe said leaving.

When Chloe walked into the school she didn't know what class to go to, she looked in her backpack, maybe there would be a schedule or something in there. If not Chloe would eat her lunch, she was starving because of all she had a granola bar on the way to the hospital. Chloe did find a schedule in her backpack, it said she had science, Chloe loved science. She walked over to the science lab, the school was the same as she had remembered it. When Chloe opened the door everyone looked at her. Chloe didn't recognize the teacher.

"Are you Chloe Price?" the teacher asked. Chloe thought about giving her sass but she was already in trouble with David and didn't want to get in more trouble. "Ya, that's me," Chloe said.

"You can go take a seat next to Sofia over there, she is in the very back."

"I know Sofia," Chloe said. The teacher seemed surprised.

"I thought you were new here."

"I am but I used to go here.". Chloe went over and sat next to Sofia. The class went on with the teacher who's name Chloe discovered was Mrs.Derman, Chloe knew everything Mrs.Derman was talking about. When the class ended Chloe was about to leave when Mrs.Derman called her over to her desk.

"So are you understanding everything Chloe?" Mrs.Derman asked.

"Yes, I understand everything."

"You know what to do on the homework I gave out today?"

"Yes," Chloe said.

"I heard from Principal Herfmann that you have an attitude and tend to not do your homework. From what I've gotten from today you don't have much of an attitude and I do hope you do your homework.".

"Mrs.Herfmann said that I'm so hurt. Mrs.Herfmann and I are great friends she loves me." Chloe said sarcastically. Mrs.Derman laughed.

"You know Chloe you're funny, but I do need you to pay attention in my class, and I need you to do your homework.".

"K," Chloe said.

Chloe was hella hungry now so she decided she could be a little late to her next class. When Chloe got to her next class, which was P.E she was only 5 minutes late. Her gym teacher she did remember it was Mr.Zee, Chloe didn't mind Mr.Zee. This school had no gym clothes so Chloe didn't get in trouble for not changing like she did at Blackwell. When Chloe walked in Mr.Zee said, "Chloe Price long time no see, but you're late.".

"It's ok I'm not pregnant," Chloe said and the whole class laughed.

"You and me, we are going to talk after class."

"I'm kinda into girls actually"

"Chloe, just sit down." for the rest of the class Mr.Zee avoided eye contact with Chloe which Chloe found hilarious. When class was dismissed Chloe realized it was the end of the day.

Friendship to Love (Life is strange fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now