A Disagreement

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By the time Rachel got to school her class had started 5 minutes ago which meant she had to wait until lunch to look for Kate. Throughout the whole morning instead of paying attention in her classes, Rachel kept thinking of where Kate would be, Rachel realized she never really saw Kate in the cafeteria. Rachel had come up with 3 places Kate might be during lunch, first the bathroom, second somewhere outside, and third, there was a chance she left the school during lunch which would make it much harder to find her.

Once Rachel's class was over Rachel practically ran to the bathroom, she looked in every stall and didn't see Kate. Rachel was really starting to hope Kate didn't leave school during lunch. She ran outside and looked in a few places before she saw Kate sitting up against a tree with a few other girls Rachel didn't know. Rachel was happy for Kate, most of the time when she saw Kate she was alone, she was happy Kate had people to hang out with.

Rachel walked over to Kate and said: "Kate can I talk to you for a second?",

"Sure." Kate said following Rachel. Once Rachel was sure nobody could hear them Rachel asked: "Are you doing the summer photography program?"

"Yes, are you? If you are that's great because most of the people doing it are really mean.". This is what Rachel was afraid of, now that Kate was doing it Rachel and Chloe had to find a way to protect her. "Umm, I'm thinking about it, I was just curious who was doing it. Thanks Kate, that's all I wanted to know."

Right after Kate left Rachel texted Chloe,

Rachel: Kate is doing the photography program. Chloe I have an idea, if I do the photography program as well I can make sure Kate is ok, and then you can spy on us, that way we have someone on the inside to stop Kate from doing anything bad.

Chloe: Rachel I don't think it's a good idea to do the program, that is what he wants, what if he does something and I can't protect you. What if he takes you somewhere and locks the doors, and I can't get in. Rachel, please don't do it.

Rachel: Chloe it will be fine, I know what he is up to, I'm doing it so he doesn't do something like that to Kate, we have to protect her too.

Chloe: Rachel it is better if one person gets hurt instead of both of you, that way there would be 2 of us on the outside to alert the police and come up with a plan.

Rachel: So are you saying that Kate doesn't matter, if you don't want to help you don't have to.

Chloe: Rachel, Kate matters, but so do you, I want to help and I'm going to help so you don't do something stupid like joining the photography program.

Rachel: I'm joining the program and you can't stop me Chloe.

Chloe: Rachel please don't, it's not safe, there is a much smarter way to do this.


Rachel was upset with Chloe, she didn't understand why Chloe didn't trust her enough to be careful. She was going to do the program anyway, Chloe couldn't stop her.

Rachel started to walk toward Mr.Jefferson's classroom, she wasn't sure if he would be in there since it was lunch but she was hoping he would be. Rachel knocked on his classroom door "Come in." she heard Mr.Jefferson say. When Rachel opened the door Mr.Jefferson seemed surprised to see her. "Hi Rachel, what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if there was still room in the photography program for me to join?"

"Of course there is still room, let me just grab the permission form that your parents have to sign and the information." Mr.Jefferson grabbed a few pieces of paper, and handed it to Rachel. "Thank you, I'll get my parents to sign them tonight and bring them back tomorrow."

"No problem, I'll see you in class." Mr.Jefferson said as Rachel was leaving.

After 2 minutes of Chloe staring at her phone waiting for a response from Rachel Chloe got into her truck and started driving to Blackwell. Chloe was confused about why Rachel got so mad at her, she was just telling her that it was a bad idea to join the photography program. She saw the pictures of Rachel and Kate that Mr.Jefferson had taken. She had told Rachel to be careful around him and now she was joining his photography program.

When Chloe got into the school she started running toward Mr.Jefferson's classroom hoping she could stop Rachel before it was too late, when she saw Rachel, Rachel stopped in her tracks. "Chloe what are you doing here?"

"Stopping you from joining the photography program." Chloe saw Rachel's face change as she said that.

"Chloe I can do whatever I want, and you aren't even supposed to be here."

"And you're supposed to listen to me, to be careful, but here you are joining your creepy teacher's program. Remember when I told you to be careful."

"I am being careful, you are the one who needs to learn to trust me."

"I trust you Rachel, it's Mr.Jefferson I don't trust." Just as Rachel was about to say something principal Wells saw Chloe and said: "Chloe Price what are you doing here."

Chloe looked at Rachel to see if she would say something, Rachel looked like she wanted to say something but remained silent. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Principal Wells said. "Fine." Chloe said looking directly at Rachel as she left.

Chloe got back in her truck and drove back to school, luckily for her lunch hadn't finished, and nobody knew she left.

Once school was over Chloe drove back to Blackwell to pick up Rachel, though she wasn't sure if Rachel was going to get in the truck with her.

When Rachel walked out the front doors she saw Chloe's truck, she debated walking away but didn't, she got in the truck and said: "Can you just take me home.". Chloe started driving and then said, "Rachel I'm just trying to protect you, I care about you, and don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't want to have this fight right now." Rachel replied.

"Neither do I, I'm trying to help you."

"Then let me do it, let me do the program."

"So you want me to let you put your safety at risk so you aren't mad at me, I would do many things for you, I would take a bullet for you Rachel Amber, but as long as I can help it, you aren't doing that program." Rachel was silent, she hadn't expected that response.

When they got to Rachel's house Rachel got out of the car without saying a word. Rachel saw where Chloe was coming from, and was happy Chloe cared about her, but she didn't think Chloe saw where she was coming from. She knew what she was doing when she asked Mr.Jefferson to do the program, she knew she had to be careful, and she would be. That is why when her dad got home from work she asked him to sign the permission form.

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