Not Mad

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*Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows spoilers in this chapter*

That night Rachel couldn't fall asleep, she started to wonder if Nathan was mad at her. She didn't think she had done anything to make him mad at her. She had told him if something was wrong he could talk to her or principal Wells, but she didn't press, she didn't force anything out of Nathan. Rachel fell asleep still having no idea what was up with Nathan.

The next day when Rachel got to school she saw Nathan at his locker, "Hi Rachel." Nathan said, it sounded like he wasn't mad at her, but Rachel still wasn't sure.

"Nathan are you mad at me?"

"No why would I be mad at you?" Nathan asked, sounding surprised.

"I don't know you didn't seem to want to talk to me yesterday."

"Oh with Mr.Jefferson, really Rachel that was nothing.". Rachel wasn't talking about that but realized if Nathan didn't want to bring up Victoria then she shouldn't bring her up either, if Nathan wasn't mad at her the rest of it wasn't her business.

Later at lunch, Nathan came and sat with Kate and Rachel. Rachel was pretty sure she was wrong and he wasn't mad at her. Rachel realized she probably over-analyzed Nathan sitting with Victoria, Victoria was one of his friends, and that's all there was to it.

Twenty minutes later Kate got up to go to the bathroom and Rachel said: "Nathan if you're ever mad at me I want you to tell me."

"Rachel I promise I'm not mad at you."

"I know, but if one day you are mad at me you promise you will tell me?"

"Ya of course."

"Ok.". Rachel replied.

Once the school was over Rachel got in Chloe's truck as normal, and they both went to Chloe's house. On the way, Chloe asked: "So did Nathan hang out with Victoria all day and ignore you again?"

"No actually, I didn't really see him talk to Victoria today, he sat with Kate and I at lunch today."



"Maybe I was wrong then."

Five minutes later Chloe said: "Rachel we never watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, didn't it come out this summer?"

"It did, we have to watch it now!"

"Of course we do."

When they got to Chloe's house they went into the living room, Chloe turned on the tv, and rented Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Chloe was about to start the movie when she realized they needed popcorn, "One second Rachel I'm getting us popcorn.". Chloe opened a cabinet and saw an unopened bag of popcorn with a sticky note on it that said David's popcorn, "Well this was my house and you moved into it so I guess we're even." Chloe said to herself, and took popcorn.

"I got the popcorn." Chloe said sitting down beside Rachel, Rachel started the movie. When they got to The Battle of Hogwarts Rachel said: "I cried so many times reading this part.". Once the movie ended Chloe said: "So much death, it was like J.K Rowlling thought why don't I just kill everyone now."

"I Know how could she, Remus, Tonks, Fred, those hurt."

"Molly Weasly is the best, she's all like Not my daughter you bitch."Chloe said and Rachel laughed.

The next day when Rachel got to school she saw Nathan talking to Victoria, at lunch he sat with Victoria, the whole day he was hanging out with Victoria, he barely said a word to Kate or Rachel.

The day after that it was like nothing had happened, Nathan hung out with Rachel and Kate, he ate lunch with them and Rachel didn't see Nathan talk to Victoria once.

I know J.K Rowling is being really transphobic, I don't support what she is saying at all. With that being said I hope you enjoyed it. (Sorry this chapter was kinda short)

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