James Amber

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"My mom says we have to do our homework," Chloe said while walking back into her room. "Oh, that reminds me today we had the weirdest new teacher. Everyone loved him but he was hella creepy, he talked about framing people and capturing the shot of innocence."

"That is hella creepy"

Then they heard David's voice say "That doesn't sound like homework to me."

Which then Chloe responded with "Fuck you". Chloe soon realized that was a bad idea because then David came in to give Chloe a long lecture about manners.

When the two girls went to eat dinner Joyce said after David left "Rachel your dad has called 5 times.".

"What did you tell him?" asked Rachel

"I told him you were safe, I told him I don't mind you staying here as long as you need." Joyce paused "Your dad really wanted you to go back home," Joyce paused again. "Rachel, can I ask you something?"

"Yes," Rachel said nervous Joyce was going to make her go back to her dad.

"What happened to your eye?" Rachel's eye was now bruised from her dad's hand.

"Oh, I um fell."

"Ok, I just want you to know if you ever need to stay here or something happens at your house you are always welcome," Joyce said knowing that Rachel didn't fall, but not wanting to push. "Thank you Mrs.Price."

"Please call me Joyce."

The next day Joyce woke up Chloe and Rachel and said: "Chloe you're going to school today, Rachel I would prefer you went but I'm not going to force you.". Rachel thought about not going to school but decided it would be easier to go "I'll go" she said. The two girls got dressed and ready for school. Once Rachel was dropped off she saw her dad talking to principal Wells, she went to turn around and go the other way but her dad had already seen her.

Rachel's dad stopped talking to principal Wells, and practically ran over to Rachel. Rachel could feel her heart rate speed up. Once he got over to Rachel he grabbed her by the arm and said: "You're coming with me, young lady."

Rachel's dad practically forced her in the car, she thought about making a scene while her dad was forcing her in the car, but figured that would make things worse for her. In the car, he dad yelled at her the whole way home. Rachel held back tears, not because her dad was yelling at her but because she remembered the time she was at Chloe's house, and how Chloe told her that her dad loved her, this didn't feel like love. Rachel wanted to go back to Chloe's house because at the moment it seemed like Joyce cared more for her then her own dad did.

When Rachel and her dad got home her mom, stepmom whatever she was supposed to call her wasn't there. "Go to your room and you're not leaving until I say so." he took Rachel to her room and put a door stopper on the other side so she couldn't get out. Rachel lay on her bed for 5 minutes still holding back tears, refusing to cry when she realized she still had her phone, she could text Chloe and tell her what happened. Rachel texted Chloe before I even walked into school, I saw my dad there, he saw me and took me home. I'm stuck in my room, he locked the door from the outside. I don't know how you're supposed to do anything or help me, but please, I need you. After Rachel had hit send she remembered Chloe was in school and hoped she had put her phone on silent.

Meanwhile, Chloe was sitting in Mrs.Shirley's class bored to death when her phone went off, shit she thought. Mrs.Shirley stopped talking and looked at Chloe, "Sorry" Chloe said but Mrs.Shirley didn't say anything "Do you want me to turn it on silent?"Chloe asked not daring to touch her phone unless Mrs.Shirley told her to. "I want to see it." Chloe looked at her hoping she didn't mean her phone

"I want to see your text".


"Why do you have something to hide"

"That doesn't matter, looking through my phone is a total invasion of privacy"

"Like you haven't invaded my privacy" Mrs.Shirley was referring to the time Chloe pulled Mrs.Shirley's skirt down. "I was 5!" Chloe responded, "I did even stupider shit at that age then I do now.".

Mrs.Shirley grabbed Chloe's phone out of her bag expecting a text from one of her friends saying hey what up girl. When she saw Chloe before I even walked into school, I saw my dad there, he saw me and took me home. I'm stuck in my room, he locked the door from the outside. I don't know how you're supposed to do anything or help me but please, I need you. She got worried.

"Chloe I'm going to give you this back, you are going to go read it in the hall and I don't expect you to come back," Mrs.Shirley said going from 100 to 1. Chloe thought she was telling her to leave the school and never come back to her classroom in a unique way but when she glanced down at who it was from she took her stuff and went into the hall to read it. Chloe put her backpack up against one of the lockers and read Chloe before I even walked into school, I saw my dad there, he saw me and took me home. I'm stuck in my room, he locked the door from the outside. I don't know how you're supposed to do anything or help me but please, I need you.

Chloe picked up her backpack and ran out of school, she didn't stop running until she got to Rachel's house. Chloe tried the door to see if it was locked, it was. That's when Chloe realized how psychotic Rachel's dad was, he hired someone to kill his wife because he didn't want Rachel meeting her, he then hit Rachel, and now he has basically kidnapped her. Chloe felt terrible, how could she have just let this happen and do nothing about it. Chloe had no choice, she wasn't leaving Rachel there with him. She knocked on the door, no answer, she knocked again this time a little harder. When Rachel's dad didn't answer again, she yelled "James Amber I know you're in there and you better open this door right now. I can expose you to everyone and I will if you don't open this door.", then the door opened.

"You asshole, I thought you loved your daughter, but apparently I was wrong, and let me say I don't like being wrong about many things, but I was sure I was right about your love for Rachel. I guess I was wrong." Rachel's dad was speechless, Chloe couldn't tell what he was feeling.

James Amber really did love Rachel, did everything he could to keep her safe, he thought her liking Chloe was a phase that he could help her get out of. He didn't mean to hit her, and he was trying to protect her from Sera, but the problem was he had hurt Rachel, and he didn't protect her from anything including himself.

Chloe ran up to Rachel's room and removed the door stopper to see Rachel standing at the door with a broken glass bottle laying on the ground behind her.

I'm sorry it has been over a week since I updated this, it was a very busy week. Also sorry if some of it was a bit off or there were grammar and spelling mistakes I wrote some of it at 5 am. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

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