Lily's Story

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 Nathan's dad had gotten smarter about where he hit Nathan, this time he did it somewhere easy for Nathan to hide. All Nathan had to do was put his shirt on, and act like nothing ever happened. Though he thought about what would happen if he told someone, he knew Rachel, Kate and probably Victoria would believe him, but that was it. If he told the school they would call his dad, and his dad would deny everything. Since his dad gives the school so much money they would find it more convenient to believe his dad. He wasn't really sure what would happen if he called the police, either the police would believe his dad and then he would be in even more trouble. If the police did believe Nathan then he had no idea what would happen. His mother wasn't exactly around much, all Nathan knew was she had been travelling the world since he was 2. Nathan figured it would be better to live in his house then be in foster care. So Nathan figured it was just best not to tell anybody.

When Nathan went downstairs for breakfast his dad acted as nothing happened, he said: "There is cereal in the cupboard, I have to leave for work now." and left. Nathan ate the cereal and went to school.

Once Nathan got to school he saw Rachel and remembered she was expecting him to tell her what happened. Rachel came up to Nathan and said: "Let's go to a private place to talk.". Nathan followed her as she walked behind the school. "What happened?".

"Umm" for a second Nathan thought about telling her the truth but realized that would be a terrible idea "So it was one big room."


"He said I would work on taking pictures of people."

"That's it?"

No Nathan thought, but instead said "Ya."

"Ok, well then where is the barn?" Rachel said, obviously not believing him. Nathan wanted so badly to tell her where the barn was, but he couldn't. "I don't remember."

"You don't even know what area it was in."

"No, I fell asleep in the car.". Rachel looked like she was about to say something, and then stopped. She thought for a second, and said: "Nathan I know you are in trouble, and can't tell me what's actually happening, but don't worry I will find a way to help you.".

Right after Rachel finished talking she walked away, knowing that Nathan wouldn't be able to tell her anything else. Nathan was impressed, he knew Rachel was smart, but he thought he was doing a good enough job of convincing her he was ok. He felt safer now knowing that Rachel knew something was up, and was going to try to stop it.

After school Nathan got in the car with Mr.Jefferson to go to TDR, but this time it was not a silent ride. "Nathan, yesterday I was just warming you up to what was going to happen. I know you saw the cart of drugs, and I told you that was for the incoperitive ones. Well I wasn't lying, but not many of them will cooperate. It's not like we're-" we're, I'm not planning on doing anything Nathan thought to himself "going to kill them" Mr.Jefferson finished. That scared Nathan, he didn't think there was a need to mention that Mr.Jefferson wasn't going to kill anyone, he thought that was unspoken. "Lily will be pretty cooperative, we won't need to give her anything, think of her as a warm up for what's to come.". There were so many things wrong with that sentence and Nathan knew it. The only problem was he was too afraid to say anything.

Once they got there they only had to wait 5 minutes before Lily showed up, Nathan could tell right away that she did not want to be there. "Nathan this is Lily, Lily this is Nathan."

"Hi." Nathan said.

"Hi" Lily replied quietly.

"Ok so I'm going to give you guys a few minutes to introduce yourselves, get to know each other, I have to go sort some things out, I'll be right back." Mr.Jefferson said leaving.

Once Mr.Jefferson left Lily said: "How'd you get dragged into this". Nathan thought about lying to her but didn't see a point. "He was my teacher, last year he told me he would give me good grades if I did a few simple things for him, then he started to threaten me and now I'm here. How about you?"

"He told me he worked for Nike, and thought I would be the perfect model for what he wanted to do. I had a gut feeling it was a bad idea, but my family needed the money so I did it. Next thing I know I show up at this fishy wearhouse, he forces me in, locks the doors and takes some" she paused "disturbing pictures of me. He didn't show them to anyone but he can, so I figured it would be better to come then to not come.". Nathan remembered the many girls he saw in the binder, all of them probably having their own story similar to Lily's.

"I'm sorry." Nathan said.

"I'm sorry, at least he's not my teacher." Nathan laughed.

Mr.Jefferson came back with a camera lens, and put it on a camera that he gave Nathan. "So now you know each other, let's get onto the photoshoot.".

The photoshoot took around 45 minutes and was like any other photoshoot, after that he let Lily go. Once she left Mr.Jefferson said: "Here's the plan for tomorrow, we look over the photo's talk about what was good and what wasn't, and I'll explain how things will change moving forward.

Nathan was happy that there wouldn't be another girl tomorrow, he didn't want to hear all the stories about what Mr.Jefferson has done, though he also felt bad that he was just ignoring them. All these girls like Lily who couldn't tell anyone what Mr.Jefferson did because they were afraid of what would happen. How Lily would spend her entire life worrying about if Mr.Jefferson was planning on releasing the pictures he had of her. He knew he couldn't help everyone, but he was going to try his best to help Lily.

Once again sorry if there were any spelling/grammatical errors Wattpad is still glitching. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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