The spies

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Chloe waited for Rachel outside of Blackwell, when she got in Chloe's truck Rachel said: "There's something going on with Mr.Jefferson."

"Hello to you too Rachel."

"Chloe I'm serious, remember how I told you he asked if I wanted private photography lessons with him, well he is doing it to another girl now, and she said yes. I watched him take my photos and her photos and put them in a different drawer."

"What are we going to do?"

"We have to spy on them, make sure he doesn't do anything. It's Monday right after school."



Monday after school

Rachel walked out of school and went to hide behind Mr.Jefferson's classroom window which is where she and Chloe agreed they would meet. When she got there Chloe was hiding in a bush in all black clothing."Chloe you know you could have worn whatever." Rachel whispered

"Ya but now I'm a sneaky punk ninja."

"It's not even dark out, it's broad daylight."

"Whatever," Chloe replied.

Chloe and Rachel waited 5 minutes before Kate walked in, Chloe and Rachel opened the window a tiny bit so they could hear what they were saying. "Hi, Mr.Jefferson."

"Hi, Kate are you ready to start?"

"Ya, I'm ready."

"We are going to continue capturing photos of people, the thing I love about people is you can get a great moment of innocence. Such as if people are asleep or unconscious. I can tell you and Rachel Amber both have a great moment of innocence." Chloe and Rachel looked at each other.

"So what we are going to do is I'm going to take a few pictures of you, I'll show you what I like about them and what I don't."


"Let's start with you laying down on that desk." Mr.Jefferson took many photos of Kate laying on the desk, M and then told Kate to close her eyes. After that, he took a few more photos but at angles, he shouldn't have. Rachel looked around the classroom for a security camera, she knew exactly where it was since she had looked for it before. She knew that if there was a flashing red light the cameras were on. There was no flashing red light.

"Chloe, he found a way to turn the security cameras off." Rachel said pointing at the camera. Chloe took out her phone and started taking pictures. "Do you think Principal Wells will believe us?"

"Not if I'm there, he hates me, maybe you."

Once Mr.Jefferson hid the pictures he took of Kate with her eyes closed, he started to show her the other ones. He started talking about things he liked and didn't like, he said stuff like, "You see the angle, it's amazing." or "You see how the light is shining on your face, it makes it look so much better.". When he was talking about what he didn't like he said things like "That shot would have been way better if your arm wasn't in the way." or "Why would you put your leg there, it ruined the shot.".

"Sorry Mr.Jefferson, do you want me to try again, maybe if you tell me where to lay it will make the shot better.".

"Your right Kate, you're only a student, I can't expect you to know everything right away, I do see potential, but you will have to work for it, how about we make this a weekly thing, does every Monday after school work for you?"

"Sure, thank you Mr.Jefferson."

Once Kate left Mr.Jefferson went to turn the security camera back on, Chloe took pictures of this too. "Ok let's go." Chloe whispered to Rachel. Both Chloe and Rachel got into Chloe's truck and drove away. "What do we do, if I tell principal Wells Mr.Jefferson will know we were spying on him, and we won't be able to spy on him anymore." Rachel said

"If there's one thing I know about principal Wells is that he's going to want a lot more evidence then what we have. Also, he's not going to be happy that we were spying on a teacher which means we are going to need a lot of evidence so that our spying on Mr.Jefferson is overlooked."

"Ya you're right, we shouldn't tell anyone yet, we have to keep spying on them every Monday to make sure he doesn't do anything too bad to Kate, we have to protect her, and we can't do that if Mr.Jefferson knows we're spying on him."

"Is there any way we can get Kate to stop going?"

"I tried, she didn't believe me, she thought Nathan and I were planning some sort of sabotage on her."

"Maybe try again, ask her how it went, if she tells you about her lying down on the table and Mr.Jefferson making her close her eyes say something like, isn't that weird, a teacher shouldn't do that, but don't let her know we were watching them."

"Good idea, I'll talk to her tomorrow."

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