What happened to Nathan's Eye

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 Rachel had noticed Nathan had been acting different in the past week, he seemed more nervous. Rachel tried to reassure Nathan that they would figure something out before December but it didn't seem to be working.

That morning when Rachel got to school she went right to her locker to get her stuff, when she saw Nathan there she said: "Hi Nathan."

"Hi." Nathan said. Hiding his face behind his locker door.

"Nathan are you ok?"

"I'm fine.". Rachel moved Nathan's locker door, and saw dried blood, and a bruise right by his eye. "Nathan, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just," Nathan paused and said, "tripped down the stairs.".

"Ok." Rachel said not at all believing Nathan, but not wanting to push any farther.

Then Kate came over and asked: "Nathan what happened to your eye? Are you ok?"

"Ya, I'm fine, I tripped down the stairs."

"Well we better hurry, we're going to be late for photography," Kate replied, and Rachel could tell Kate didn't really believe Nathan either. "Great." Nathan replied sarcastically.

When Nathan walked into Mr.Jefferson's class that morning Mr.Jefferson didn't expect to see the big bruise by Nathan's eye. Mr.Jefferson felt a little bad, when he threatened Nathan he thought his dad would just yell at him a bit, he didn't think his dad would hurt him. Sean Prescott seemed like a pretty good guy to Mr.Jefferson, which is why he didn't think Nathan would get hurt. Mr.Jefferson also noticed that Nathan was avoiding eye contact with him the whole class.

Once the school day ended as usual Chloe was waiting for Rachel in front of the school. When Rachel got in the car she said: "Chloe this morning I saw Nathan and his eye was bruised with dried blood. I asked him what happened and he said he fell down the stairs, but there is no way that happened. It was such an obvious lie. I think his dad hit him."


"Definitely, when Kate asked him about his eye she didn't seem to believe him either.".

"Do you think this was the first time this has happened?"

"I think so, he has been kinda off for that past week."

"What do you mean by off?"

"He's just seemed nervous all the time."

"Do you think it's because of TDR being built in December?"

"Maybe, but why would his dad hit him though?"

"I don't know maybe he told his dad he didn't want to do the TDR thing and his dad got mad."

"That's possible."

Later that day Chloe and Rachel were hanging out at Rachel's house and it was still bothering Rachel about why Nathan's dad hit him. "Chloe, why do you think it only happened now?"

"Is this about Nathan's dad hitting him?"

"Ya, why do you think it only happened now, why not 2 weeks ago or something?"

"I think it's because it's getting closer to December, and Nathan's getting more nervous about it, and last night he decided to say something."

"Are you sure, I feel like Nathan wouldn't do that."

"Rachel I think you're just being paranoid."

"Ya, you're probably right." Rachel said.

Sorry this chapter was kinda short. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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