Frank's Offer

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 About a week later the gut feeling Rachel was getting around Nathan still hadn't gone away. After hanging out at Chloe's for a few hours Rachel decided to go hang out at Frank's trailer.

"Hey." Frank said when he opened the door and saw Rachel.

"Hi." Rachel responded. "Pompidou!" Rachel said in excitement when Pompidou came running up to her. "He's gotten so big." Rachel said.

"I know, he's really grown since I got him."

"You ok? You seem kinda off." Frank asked

"Ya, it's just for the past few weeks I've been getting this bad feeling in my gut whenever I'm around Nathan. I don't know what it is, he hasn't been any different."

"Nathan Prescott?"


"You never know with him, whenever I see him he always looks like he's going through something."

"When do you see him?"

"Sometimes he buys stuff from me."

"Oh." Rachel said in surprise. She wasn't sure why she was surprised, Nathan was probably buying it for Mr.Jefferson. It just hadn't crossed her mind that Nathan would be buying stuff for Mr.Jefferson. "But you should definitely trust your gut, Nathan looks like someone who can be dangerous."

"Ya, I just don't want it to become a big thing and then find out that it's nothing and I was just being paranoid."

"Usually it's nothing you don't get a terrible feeling in your gut." Frank said, which made Rachel pause.

Frank was right, Rachel had never had this feeling before when she was around Nathan. Part of her brain was telling her to ignore it, that she is making something out of nothing. That it will blow over, but if it was nothing, she probably wouldn't be getting this terrible feeling in her gut.

Another thing is that part of her wants her to be wrong. She knows Nathan doesn't want to be dangerous, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. She wants to believe that she is wrong because she doesn't want to think about what will happen if she's right. Even admitting this to herself now, she still doesn't want to think about what would happen if she was right.

"You're right." Rachel responded. "What do I do?"

"I'm not sure there is much you can do without making it worse. If you question Nathan he might get mad, and that will make everything worse. Also as far as we know Nathan doesn't know you are getting this gut feeling around him, so he won't have as much of a guard up about what he says. You should keep an eye on him, only be around him when there are other people around, and keep your guard up. You need to be careful when you are around him."

"You're right." Rachel agreed.

"Also, if you ever feel really unsafe, whether you're at school or somewhere else, you can always come here. I haven't told anybody you come here, if you need to hide out please come here. I want you to be safe."

"Thank you Frank." Rachel said.

After another hour of just hanging out and talking with Frank Rachel went home. Rachel was happy she talked to Frank about this because he brought up some good points. Rachel felt more secure knowing that she could go to his trailer and be safe if she ever needed it. 

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