The Terrible Summer

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 Summer break had finally come, though for Nathan it wasn't much of a break. Nathan had to spend his whole summer in TDR with Mr.Jefferson.

About 3 days into summer break Nathan got a call from Rachel "Hi Nathan."

"Hi, are you ok, you sound worried?" Nathan asked.

"I'm fine, I was just wondering, is it a bad thing that the photography camp thing isn't happening again?"

"I'm not really sure, I don't know what he is planning on doing this summer. Just keep your guard up Rachel, and don't go anywhere alone. Also what happened at the Vortex Club party." Nathan asked, because since that party Mr.Jefferson had developed a new hatred for Chloe Price."Nothing much, why?"

"Because Mr.Jefferson has a whole new hatred for Chloe."

"What?" Rachel said, sounding surprised.

"He said she is getting in the way.". Rachel paused. "I mean she was always around, she didn't leave Kate alone, and the only time I wasn't with her was when I went to get a drink."

"Shit, um I have to go." Nathan said, realizing something important.

"Wait why? Nathan, what happened?" Nathan hung up the phone.

Nathan didn't realize this until now, but it didn't matter if Nathan was at that party, Mr.Jefferson was planning on doing something. Nathan hated to give credit to Chloe, but she could have stopped something really bad from happening.

Throughout the whole summer Nathan never had any downtime, he was at TDR every day, he got there early and left late. For the first little bit of summer, Mr.Jefferson was laying out the plan for the next Vortex Club party.

"Nathan I'm tired of your screwing around, in the next Vortex Club party you are actually going to do something."

"Ok, so just encourage people to drink."

"No, you are going to drug Kate, and we are going to bring her back here.". Nathan couldn't believe it, he couldn't do it. There was no way, Kate never did anything to anyone. "You said you wouldn't hurt her." Nathan said as calmly as he could.

"I said I'd let her live, but I also said I would torture her a little bit."

"You can't do this!"

"Nathan I can do whatever I want, and I wouldn't go around telling me what I can and can't do because I could kill everyone you care about."

"I won't do that, I can't hurt Kate."

"Correction, you can and you will."

"Kate has never once done anything to you."

"You're right, she just happens to be at the wrong school at the wrong time.".

"No, I will do anything else for you, I will buy whatever drugs you want, I will go to whatever parties you want, I will lie for you, but I'm drawing the line, I'm not hurting Kate, or anyone else."

"Nathan, you don't have a choice, you're doing it."

"Or what you'll hit me with a tripod again, do it all you want, I don't care anymore."

"Nathan I have the ability to ruin your life."

"Then do it, just don't hurt Kate. Don't you see, you have fucked up my life so much already that I don't care anymore. A year ago I would be so much easier to push around, but you broke that. So ruin my life, I'm not hurting Kate.".

"You're going to do it Nathan, whether you like it or not.". Mr.Jefferson said and walked away.

Once the summer was about halfway done Mr.Jefferson had finally finished telling Nathan exactly what he was going to do, and how he was going to hurt Kate (which Nathan still refused to do), he proceeded to teach Nathan about his techniques. Of course, Mr.Jefferson started by explaining every detail about how he manipulated Lily. Nathan had started to tune him out, he couldn't listen to all the horrible things Mr.Jefferson had done.

Throughout the whole summer Nathan felt so empty, he felt lonely, and like there was nobody there for him. He felt like he was always there for other people, but nobody had once called him the whole summer. Rachel had probably had the best summer ever with Chloe, she probably didn't even give Nathan a second thought. For all that he did for her, everything he had done to protect her, and she called him once.

Nathan didn't really blame Lily, ever since Mr.Jefferson threatened to text her pretending to be Nathan, he told her to stay away, and not to believe every text is from him.

Nathan wasn't sure what Kate was up to over the summer, but she was probably similar to Rachel. She was probably having the best summer ever and not giving Nathan a second thought.

Once again Victoria was probably in Hawaii or something, and she didn't care enough to wonder how Nathan was either.

Nathan felt so alone, he hated being the one who gave a shit about everyone else, when nobody had even thought to text him. Though the summer ending wasn't good either, because he was getting closer to the Vortex Club party.

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