What did my Dad say?

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I'm going to be busy tomorrow so I'm updating this today instead of tomorrow. Enjoy :)

 That day Chloe and Rachel decided they would go to Rachel's house to hang out. Both her parents were working which meant they had the house to themselves. Once they had their homework sprawled out on the coffee table, instead of actually doing it they started to talk about Nathan.

"He had his Doctor's appointment today, he said he was diagnosed with schizophrenia." Rachel said.

"What does that mean?" Chloe asked.

"He didn't really say much about it, he said it's where you have these hallucinations, and you are unaware that it's a hallucination. That's what happened with the news station a few weeks ago, where he said the tv said to tell me everything."

"So if that was a hallucination, and he didn't know that until you told him it wasn't possible, what else do you think is a hallucination. How can we know for sure everything he tells you is true?"

"I guess we'll just have to trust him, and if something sounds too crazy then we will have to assume it's a hallucination."

"But Mr.Jefferson is capable of some hella crazy shit."

"I know."

"Maybe we need to find another way as well as Nathan to get information about Mr.Jefferson. Especially since we haven't really learnt anything new since summer. The most up to date stuff we know is TDR was built in December, and Nathan goes there with Mr.Jefferson, but we have no idea where it is, or what they do there."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"Well, we already broke into his classroom, and I think anything we really shouldn't know about he would be hiding in TDR since it's harder to find, so there's no point in breaking into his classroom again. You said he hasn't been doing those private tutoring things with Kate anymore since he's too busy at TDR with Nathan."

"But?" Rachel asked, knowing Chloe had a plan.

"But, maybe a good time to spy on him is right when he gets to school, before any of the students are there. He might say or do some things he wouldn't say or do when students are around, especially if the security camera is off, which we know it is. The plan is we get to Blackwell super early, and when Mr.Jefferson gets there we spy on him through his classroom window."

"That's true, maybe he will do some things TDR then, Chloe you're a genius!"

"I have many talents." Chloe replied.

The next morning Chloe's alarm went off at 5 am, Chloe and Rachel weren't really sure when Mr.Jefferson got to school so they decided to be safe, and get there really early. At around 5:30 Chloe was at Rachel's house, at 5:35 they drove to Blackwell.

They got there around 5:50 and went to hide behind Mr.Jefferson's classroom window, while they were walking there they didn't see many people, just Skip, but he didn't seem to notice them.

Once they were behind the window they made sure the window was open a tiny bit so they could hear whatever Mr.Jefferson said. While they waited they ate all of David's snacks that he had just bought the other day, Chloe decided that was his way of paying rent. Also, David was getting worse and worse, so she thought it was fair.

At about 6:30 Mr.Jefferson walked in his classroom. He went straight to his computer, and started to look at information for the vortex club. Chloe thought that was the weirdest thing they had found out about him so far, why did he care about these parties? He was looking at the information for one of the parties that is happening in 3 weeks. Chloe and Rachel looked at each other confused, though maybe something was happening at that party, maybe the vortex club parties were another way to get information.

About 10 minutes later Mr.Jefferson's phone rang:

"Hello, Sean."

"Hi, Mark". Chloe started a voice recording on her phone.

"How was that doctor's appointment thing yesterday?"

"It was terrible, at first I completely forgot about it, then we got there on time for his appointment, but we had to wait 10 minutes anyway. So finally Nathan goes in, and a half-hour later the doctor lets him go, and wants to talk to me. I have no idea why it took a half-hour, Nathan said all the doctor did was ask him some questions, even I could do that. (Sean Prescott starts doing a bad impression of Dr.Jacoby) Nathan, why are you so fucked up? Nathan, why don't you listen? Nathan, why are you a terrible liar? Nathan, why did you talk to your guidance counsellor and make me look bad? Nathan, why are you so dramatic?". Mr.Jefferson laughed, and joined in "Nathan why do you question everything I say? Nathan, why don't you want to go to the vortex club parties? Nathan, why didn't you take Rachel's phone that one time?". Chloe looked over at Rachel, Rachel looked just as surprised as Chloe. The other thing was Sean Prescott didn't even seem surprised or concerned when he said that, which meant he was ok with that. Sean Prescott laughed and said: "Anyway I just wanted to tell you how annoying that doctor's appointment is, and it's all the guidance counsellor's fault."

"I know, she's always up in all the student's business."

"Anyway goodbye."


After that Nothing new happened, Mr.Jefferson just continued to look at information from the Vortex club. Once other students started arriving Chloe and Rachel left the window. Rachel walked Chloe to her car, as they were walking Rachel said: "Poor Nathan, his dad and Mr.Jefferson are supposed to care about him, not make fun of him."

"Mr.Jefferson doesn't care about anybody but himself." Chloe responded

"I know, but his dad, saying things like why are you so fucked up. That's a terrible thing for his dad to say about his own son."

"What?" Rachel heard Nathan's voice from behind her.

"Oh Nathan, we were just talking about-"

"Spare me the bullshit, what did my dad say? Also, why are you here Price?". Chloe understood that Nathan had it bad, but it was hard to feel bad for him when he was always mean. "She drove me to school today, she came with me to grab something in my locker. That's when we overheard Mr.Jefferson's conversation. Come with me, I'll tell you about it behind the school." Rachel said, and gave Chloe an I'm going to comfort Nathan, I'll talk to you after school look.

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