Broken Bonds

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Chloe ran out of Rachel's room and saw James and Rose arguing in the hall, "Where is Rachel." Chloe asked worried, but expecting them not to know.

"She left," James said

"Where," Chloe asked

"I don't know." Chloe rolled her eyes and left the house. She tried to think of where Rachel would go. She probably didn't go to my house, I doubt she went to school, I don't think she would have gone to any of her friend's houses, maybe the junkyard Chloe thought.

Chloe thought for a second before deciding to go to her house to get her truck, that way she could also check her house, and if Rachel was in the junkyard she could sit in Chloe's truck to get warm. Chloe ran to her house, tried the front door and it was locked. She then looked in her bedroom window and didn't see Rachel in her room so she got in the car and drove to the junkyard.

Once Chloe was there she got out of her car and ran into the little hut and saw Rachel sleeping on the floor. "Rachel," Chloe said, nudging Rachel. Rachel was wearing pyjama pants and an oversized t-shirt and was shivering. "Chloe, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."

Rachel looked around and said

"I thought it was a dream."

"Rachel what happened, I woke up and you weren't there."

"I woke up, and heard my dad and Rose fighting so I went to eavesdrop and they were talking about how my dad never tells Rose anything, then they started talking about me. Rose said something about how my dad should have let me meet my mom. She also said something about how he shouldn't hit me, and that I got over him hitting, but I'm not." Chloe could see Rachel holding back tears.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I know it's hard," Chloe said, pulling Rachel into a hug. Chloe felt Rachel's bear arms, "Rachel you're frozen, come on you can warm up in my truck." Chloe said.

When they were in the car Chloe said "Do you want food, we can have a rule, every time one of us is upset," Chloe stopped and thought "we go for chocolate milkshakes.".

"Sure." Rachel said

They ended up at some 24-hour place called We've got Food where they both ordered large chocolate milkshakes. It was now around 4:30 am, while they were drinking their milkshakes Chloe asked: "Do you want to go to my house after this, or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"We can go to your house."

"Sounds good," Chloe said.

"Tell me something, distract me."

"The other day I heard the worst joke, a snake walks into a bar, the bartender says how the fuck did you do that?" Rachel started laughing

"That's so bad." Rachel said

Chloe was about to tell another joke when her phone started ringing, she looked down to see who it was, it was Rose. Chloe showed Rachel "Do you want me to answer it?"

"Sure." Rachel said.

"Hello," Chloe said

"Hi Chloe did you find Rachel, I've been driving around everywhere I can't find her," Rose said sounding worried

"She's with me," Chloe responded

"Can I talk to her?" Rose asked. Chloe held up her symboling to Rachel Rose wanted to talk to her. Rachel nodded and Chloe gave her the phone "Hi." Rachel said. "How are you, Rachel."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"It's ok."

"No, it's not, your father was being a jerk, I'm sorry you had to hear that conversation."

"It's fine."

"Rachel stop saying it's fine when it isn't, I've seen enough of your plays to know when you're acting and when you're not."

"Ok, I'll probably spend the day at Chloe's house."

"Ok bye honey."

"Bye," Rachel said and hung up.

Rachel gave Chloe her phone back and said: "At least one of them cares enough to see if I'm ok." That's when Chloe realized Rose had called Rachel but not James.

"Maybe he doesn't have my number, you left your phone in your room."

"Don't sugar coat it, if he cared he would be with Rose looking for me, and he would have been there when she called. All she said about him was he was a jerk, not anything about him being worried.". When Chloe and Rachel were done their milkshakes they went back to Chloe's house.

Meanwhile Rose drove back home, feeling much better that she knew where Rachel was, and that she was safe. When she got home James was reading the newspaper. "Did you find her."

"She's with Chloe," Rose said, and James wasn't even looking at her. "Are you at least going to look at me when I tell you where your daughter is."

"You found her, she's safe, she will come home when she gets over herself."

"James she will come home when you get over yourself, she heard us fighting about her, and her mother, then you didn't even care to look for her. James, I don't know what's going on with you but wake up, when I didn't find her I thought she killed herself."

"But she didn't."

"Thank god she didn't. Can you at least call her? Show her you care."

"She left her phone here."

"Call Chloe!" Rose said, now yelling.

"Why would I do that?"

"To make sure your daughter's ok!"

"But I know she's ok."

"Fuck you," Rose said and walked upstairs.

After Chloe and Rachel had lunch Chloe could tell Rachel was still waiting for her dad to call. "Do you want me to call him?"

"What?" Rachel said, thinking about her dad and not listening to Chloe.

"Do you want me to call your dad?"

"No, if he cared enough he would call himself."

"Do you want to go break something? The stepfuck has a bunch of tools and I'm sure we can find something of his to break." Rachel laughed.

"I just want to not think about anything for the next few hours."

"I have the perfect movie," Chloe said. 

Thank you all so much for reading this story, hope you're enjoying it :)

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