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 The next morning Chloe woke up and Rachel was still sleeping in her arms when Chloe realized she never actually waited for a response from her mom. Chloe carefully got up to check her phone without waking Rachel. Ok but please be back home at 10:00. Chloe checked the time it was 9:30, she couldn't leave Rachel with just a note after last night. I'll be back as soon as I can, Chloe responded. Two minutes later Chloe got a text from David that said Chloe you will be back at this house at 10:00 on the dot or you will be in a lot of trouble.

10 pm got it, Chloe responded.

"Chloe, you awake?" Rachel said sleepily.

"Yep, but you don't sound awake." Rachel laughed a tired laugh "So what do you want to do today?" Rachel asked.

"Actually I have to go to my house or I will be in big trouble," Chloe said changing her voice for big trouble. Rachel laughed another sleepy laugh. "Did your stepfuck say I couldn't come with you?" Chloe's eyes lit up, Rachel could see the pure joy on her face.

"He didn't, let's go, get dressed" Both girls got dressed and ready to go to Chloe's house "We can eat at my house," Chloe said as she dragged Rachel out of the house. Chloe and Rachel didn't live that far away from each other so it was only about a 30-minute walk to Chloe's house.

When the two girls entered the house David was not happy "It's 10:15, your mother told you to be home by 10:00, and I didn't tell you you could bring a friend."

"You didn't tell me I couldn't" Chloe wanted to continue with, and I didn't bring a friend I brought my girlfriend but Chloe decided that was another conversation for another time. "Chloe, your mother and I wanted to talk to you alone," David said in his usual stern I'm the boss voice. "What are you possibly planning on telling me that Rachel can't hear?"

"Well, your mother and I wanted to plan our wedding with you, maybe you could be the flower girl," Rachel let out a laugh Chloe could tell she had tried to hold in,

"See even Rachel knows I wouldn't be caught dead as a flower girl at your wedding." Rachel laughed again.

"If that's what we came here to talk about Rachel and I are leaving."

"We also wanted to talk about our honeymoon, your mother thinks you should come."

"Why would I want to go watch you and my mom be all in love and shit"

"Do you have your own love life to keep up or something?" Rachel's cheeks turned red but David didn't notice. "Maybe I do, I wouldn't tell you if I did. Is there anything else you wanted to tell me or can we leave?"

"Come back when you're done being a brat."

"Right back at you asshole," Chloe said pulling Rachel out of the house while giving David the finger. When the two girls got outside Rachel burst into laughter, and Chloe couldn't help but laugh too. "Are we still eating at your house?" Rachel said after she had finished laughing. "We should could you imagine the look on his face if we walked in and ate breakfast, were doing it." Chloe stopped laughing and opened the door to her house while Rachel was silently giggling. "What are you doing I told you to come back when you are done being a brat."

"I fucking live here you can't kick me out if anything I could kick you out."

"I don't like the way you are talking to me."

"Well, I don't like the way you are talking to me."

"Rachel and I are going to eat breakfast now so go fix your car or do whatever it is you do."

"I will be telling your mother about this behaviour."

"Oh no I'm so scared," Chloe said as David was walking away. Chloe opened the fridge to see what there was to eat, "We have leftover pancakes or I could cook you eggs, I'm quite the chef."

"Chloe Price the chef, I didn't realize you knew how to work a stove."

"I don't," Chloe responded which made Rachel laugh.

"Then I'll have eggs"

"Coming right up." Chloe got out a pan and cracked 4 eggs into the pan, and dropped 2 on the floor. Rachel went to get something to clean up the mess with when Chloe said "Oh don't worry about it the stepfuck will clean it up. He can make himself useful."

"This is why I love you Chloe Price." Rachel said giving Chloe a quick kiss.

"Now how do you use a stove?" Chloe said putting the pan on the stove, but not sure how to turn it on. After 5 minutes Chloe had successfully turned on the stove. "I think now I just move the egg yoke around then, voila, I think"

"Yes Chloe that is how you make eggs"

"Oh, so you're the eggspert on making eggs."

"All those good comebacks with David and the best you can do now is eggspert?"

"What do you mean that was amazing."

Once Chloe was done making eggs the two girls sat at the table eating them, "They actually aren't bad"

"Did you not have faith in me?" Chloe faked offence.

"You didn't have faith in you, so how was I supposed to have faith in you?" Rachel asked. "Just eat your eggs". 

Sorry, it has been almost a week since I updated this, it has been a pretty busy week. I hope you are enjoying it, I will try and put up another part by Friday. Thank you for reading <3

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